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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Matzen / Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen

Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen

Starting point: Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) (555 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.494°N 14.3485°E 
Destination: Matzen (1627 m)
Time of walking: 3 h
Difficulty: partly demanding marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 1072 m
Altitude difference (by path): 1100 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Views: 264
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 67
Access to starting point:
Over the border crossing Ljubelj we drive to Austria, and then we drive on the main road towards Celovec / Klagenfurt, but only to the settlement Podljubelj / Unterloibl, where we continue right in the direction of store Hofer and police station. Lower, we get to Borovlje / Ferlach, where we cross a railway track, and a little further we go right towards the settlement Bajdiše / Waidisch. The path ahead leads us past the store Eurospar, and we follow the main road to the settlement Bajdiše / Waidisch. Only few 10 meters ahead from the road sign, which marks the end of the settlement Bajdiše, on the left we notice yellow hiking signposts, where the described path begins. At the starting point, there aren't any parking spots.
Path description:
Signposts from the main road point us to the left on a macadam road, where there is usually a storage of logs, and after few steps, we go sharply left on a bad macadam road which quickly changes into a cart track. And when the cart track a little higher in the forest flattens, we go from there right on a marked footpath which ascends steeply through the forest and then it brings us to an old clearing, where there are overgrown bushes. On this part, the path flattens, and then it returns into the forest and it brings us to part, where we are ascending diagonally on occasionally steeper slope. On the part, where the slope is the most steep we get help from a steel cable, but otherwise the path isn't very demanding. A little further, we again step out of the forest, and the path on a smaller meadow vanishes, and we continue straight to the cottage with a feed site, where there is a marked crossing.
We continue left in the direction of Macna / Matzen and we continue on the macadam road, from which for some time a nice view opens up towards Košuta. A little after right hairpin turn we leave the road and we continue left upwards, where blazes point us to. Next follows an ascent through the forest and then for some time we return on the road which we leave already at the first turn. Next follows occasionally quite panoramic ascent, and when we return on the road the steepness decreases. Next follows a walk on the road, and at the nearby crossroad, we go left and then the road from which a view opens up towards Košuta and Grlovec, higher also Dobrač, brings us to a smaller valley, where we for a longer time leave the road. At first follows an ascent through a small valley, and then the path turns left, where it brings us out of the forest. Next follows an ascent through still low young forest, where on grassy slopes we carefully follow the blazes, and the path leads us also through several fallen trees. Next follows a steep ascent through the forest, where because of a large number of the fallen trees the path is hard to follow, and then we return on the road, on which we walk to the nearby saddle Koce / Hansenruhe, where there is the next marked crossing.
We continue in the direction of Macna, where the path leads us past the fenced benches and a table, at first gently sloping path which runs on a ridge returns into the forest. In the forest, the path once again splits, and we choose the slightly left path (slightly right - Sveta Ana), which further becomes pretty steep, and at first runs a little left from the ridge. Higher, the path returns on the ridge, which in May is usually full of auriculas, and occasionally also some view opens up on surrounding mountains. Higher follows a shorter descent, and then we quickly ascend on a panoramic ridge, on which we reach the south secondary peak of Macna, where the inscription box is situated. From the inscription box, we continue on a panoramic ridge, which continues with some shorter descents and ascents, and then we ascend on the highest peak of Macna.
From the highest peak, we can continue also to few minutes distant northern secondary peak, which has a cross.
Bajdiše - Koce 2:10, Koce - Macna 0:50.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in the year 2019 (May).
On the way: Koce / Hansenruhe (1356m)
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen1
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen2
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen3
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Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen9
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Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen11
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen12
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen13
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Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen15
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Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen24
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen25
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen26
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen27
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen28
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen29
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen30
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Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen32
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen33
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen34
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen35
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen36
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen37
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen38
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen39
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen40
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen41
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen42
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen43
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen44
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen45
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen46
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen47
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen48
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen49
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen50
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen51
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen52
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen53
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen54
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen55
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen56
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen57
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen58
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen59
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen60
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen61
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen62
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen63
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen64
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen65
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen66
Bajdiše (Gozdar) / Waidisch (forsthaus) - Matzen67
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