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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Waterfall Lindek / Beli Potok at Frankolovo - Waterfall Lindek

Beli Potok at Frankolovo - Waterfall Lindek

Starting point: Beli Potok at Frankolovo (435 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3484°N 15.323°E 
Time of walking: 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 120 m
Altitude difference (by path): 120 m
Views: 4,396
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 12
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Maribor, we go to the exit Celje - center, and then we continue driving towards Vojnik, Frankolovo and Zreče. At the end of the Frankolovo, we will notice signs for Lindek Castle (Grad Lindek), which point us to the left on a narrower and ascending asphalt road. By the mentioned road, we then park on an appropriate place.
Path description:
Few minutes we walk on the asphalt road, and then we get to a smaller crossroad, where we don't continue left or right, but straight on a marked cart track in the direction of Lindek Castle, Kislica and Stenica. The path ahead is ascending on a cart track, by the riverbed of the stream Belski potok. Higher, we cross the mentioned stream and the path brings us to 9 meters high waterfall Lindeški slap.
Trip can be extended to: Lindek Castle ( 30 min) , Stenica (1 h 30 min)
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