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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Vovar / Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar (northern way)

Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar (northern way)

Starting point: Brezje nad Kamnikom (625 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.2583°N 14.6226°E 
Destination: Vovar (940 m)
Path name: northern way
Time of walking: 1 h
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 315 m
Altitude difference (by path): 315 m
Views: 1,190
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 21
Access to starting point:
A) We drive to Kamnik, and then we continue driving in the direction of Kamniška Bistrica. At the stadium, we leave the main road which turns left and crosses Kamniška Bistrica and we continue driving straight towards Mekinje. Further, we drive past the monastery Mekinje, succursal primary school Mekinje, and then a little after the settlement Zduša we turn right in the direction of the settlement Brezje nad Kamnikom. When we come to the settlement there is the beginning of the described path, and we can park on an appropriate place by the road already before the settlement or above the settlement, in the settlement there aren't any parking spots.
B) We drive to mountain pass Volovljek or Črnivec, and then we start descending towards Kamnik. Already in the valley, in the settlement Godič we leave the main road which turns right through Kamniška Bistrica and we continue slightly left. Further, we are still driving through Godič, and still before the end of the settlement, we turn left in the direction of Brezje, Vodice and Kršič. A little further at the stop sign we go left and then we ascend to the settlement Brezje nad Kamnikom, where the described path begins. We can park on an appropriate place by the road already before the settlement or above the settlement, in the settlement there aren't any parking spots.
Path description:
From the beginning of the settlement, we diagonally ascend on the asphalt road, from which beautiful views opening up, and in the middle of the settlement, we continue sharply right in the direction of the cycling path LO40. The path ahead leads us past few more houses, and after the settlement, the road becomes a macadam and passes into the forest. Next follows a steeper ascent through the forest, and at few smaller crossroads, we continue on a wider road. Higher, the road leads us past some sort of picnic area, where there are two religious symbols, and a little further we get to the spot, where western path on Vovar branches off to the right.
We continue on the road and we start ascending diagonally on the northern slopes of Vovar, and we follow the road to the spot, where it starts descending.
At the spot, where the road reaches the highest point, the cart track branches off to the right, by which there are signs for Vovar. We continue on the cart track which is ascending on the northern to northeastern ridge of Vovar, and higher we cross also few cart tracks, which were mostly made after the strong winds in the year 2008. Higher, we continue on a well-beaten forest path, which we follow all the way to the top, where there are few benches, an inscription box with an inscription book and a stamp and a wish bell.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in March 2020.
Trip can be extended to: Viewpoint Skroti
Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar1
Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar2
Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar3
Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar4
Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar5
Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar6
Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar7
Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar8
Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar9
Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar10
Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar11
Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar12
Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar13
Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar14
Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar15
Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar16
Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar17
Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar18
Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar19
Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar20
Brezje nad Kamnikom - Vovar21
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