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Čepovan (Želinc) - Vrh Skopice

Starting point: Čepovan (Želinc) (607 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.087°N 13.7971°E 
Destination: Vrh Skopice (863 m)
Time of walking: 50 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 256 m
Altitude difference (by path): 260 m
Map: Goriška 1:50.000
Views: 6,650
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 26
Access to starting point:
A) First, we drive to Idrija, and then we continue driving towards Tolmin. When we get to Dolenja Trebuša we leave the main road and we continue driving left towards Čepovan. At the next crossroad, where the road on Oblakov Vrh branches off to the left, we continue right and drive ahead past the church in Dolenja Trebuša. A bit higher, the road again splits into two parts. This time we continue slightly right (slightly left Gorenja Trebuša), we cross river Trebuščica and then we start steeply ascending towards the mountain pass Drnulk. After the mountain pass, the macadam road starts descending and after 2 km of additional driving brings us in Čepovanski dol, where we continue right. Further, we drive good 3 km, and then we get to a smaller crossroad, where by the information board we park. From the inn Gostilna Podkorito in Dolenja Trebuša to the starting point, there is approximately 13 km of driving.
B) From Most na Soči or Podbrdo we drive to Bača pri Modreju, and then we continue driving towards Postaja and forward towards Čepovan. At first, a pretty steep road higher flattens and it brings us to Čepovanski dol. Further, we drive through the hamlet Vrata, where a road towards Lokovec branches off to the right. From the mentioned crossroad on the road we drive only 1 km, and then we park on an appropriate place at the smaller crossroad, by which there is also an information board. From Postaja to the starting point, there is approximately 9.5 km.
C) First, we drive to Nova Gorica or to Solkan, and then we continue driving towards Lokve, Grgar, Čepovan and Sveta gora. A little above the quarry, we get to a crossroad, from there we continue driving towards Grgar and Čepovan. Further, the road brings us to Čepovanski dol, through which it is still slightly to moderately ascending. A little further, we get to the center of the settlement Čepovan, and the road through Čepovanski dol we follow to the next crossroad, where a road towards the mountain pass Drnulk branches off to the right. Here we continue straight good 3 km, and then we get to a smaller crossroad, where by the information board we park. From Solkan to the starting point, there is approximately 22 km.
D) From the direction Ajdovščina, we at first drive to Predmeja, and then we continue driving towards Lokve and forward towards Čepovan. From Lokve, the road starts descending steeper towards Čepovan. In Čepovan we continue right and then at the next crossroad at the end of the dense part of the settlement straight (right mountain pass Drnulk and Dolenja Trebuša). Further, we drive good 3 km, and then we get to a smaller crossroad, where by the information board we park. From Predmeja to the starting point, there is approximately 21 km.
Path description:
From the information board, we go on the bottom road which continues towards the north. When we get to the house Čepovan 159, we leave the road and we continue right through the yard of the mentioned house, behind which we get to a nicely followable, but unmarked footpath. The path ahead at first runs through a smaller ditch, and then it withdraws on the left side. We short time still walk by the edge of a meadow, and then the path goes into the forest, through which it starts ascending steeper. Higher, the path leads us past a smaller lake (lake is located approximately 15 meters from the path), after which we quickly get to an abandoned house. At the house, the path turns right and it ascends to the near forest road which we only cross. Next follows a relatively steep ascent through the forest and then we again cross the road. When we the next time step on the road, we continue there. When the road entirely flattens from the right side almost unnoticeably joins the marked path from the saddle Drnulk, and we continue straight on the road which immediately after that makes a left turn. The path ahead leads us past a meadow with the hunting observatory, and after few 10 meters of additional walking, we get to a small saddle, where the path on Vrh Skopice branches off to the right. We continue on the mountain path, on which in 2 minutes of additional walking, we step on a panoramic peak.
From the top, we can on the ridge descend also to the nearby viewpoint, from which a nice view opens up also into a valley.
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