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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Špik (Paški Kozjak) / Dom na Paškem Kozjaku - Špik (Paški Kozjak)

Dom na Paškem Kozjaku - Špik (Paški Kozjak)

Starting point: Dom na Paškem Kozjaku (960 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3843°N 15.1883°E 
Time of walking: 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 148 m
Altitude difference (by path): 148 m
Map: Pohorje 1:50.000
Views: 16,043
Trip rating: 3 votes
Number of pictures: 9
Access to starting point:
From the road Velenje - Slovenj Gradec between villages Paka pri Velenju and Zgornji Dolič at the road sign between 5.5 and 6km to the right (and from Slovenj Gradec direction left) road branches off towards the quarry. We go on this road which before the quarry turns left and then it is ascending to the mountain hut Dom na Paškem Kozjaku, where we park.
Path description:
From the mountain hut, we continue on the road ahead in the direction of Sveti Jošt. After a minute of walking blazes point us to the left upwards on a cart track. Further, we are ascending on a cart track which after approximately 15 minutes brings us on the road. We continue left and after few steps road brings us to the church of St. Jošt. On the other side of the church near the school we notice signposts, where a signpost for Špik points us left. After few meters of additional walking, we come to a crossroad, where we continue on the left upper road which soon brings us to the school sports field. The road after the sports field changes into a cart track which through a meadow brings us into the forest. Follows only few minutes of gentle ascent to the top of Špik.
On the way: Sveti Jošt (1063m)
Dom na Paškem Kozjaku - Špik (Paški Kozjak)1
Dom na Paškem Kozjaku - Špik (Paški Kozjak)2
Dom na Paškem Kozjaku - Špik (Paški Kozjak)3
Dom na Paškem Kozjaku - Špik (Paški Kozjak)4
Dom na Paškem Kozjaku - Špik (Paški Kozjak)5
Dom na Paškem Kozjaku - Špik (Paški Kozjak)6
Dom na Paškem Kozjaku - Špik (Paški Kozjak)7
Dom na Paškem Kozjaku - Špik (Paški Kozjak)8
Dom na Paškem Kozjaku - Špik (Paški Kozjak)9
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