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Mountain ranges / Polhograjsko hribovje and Ljubljana / Kucelj above Polhov Gradec / Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec (on marked path)

Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec (on marked path)

Starting point: Dvor (345 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.0659°N 14.3479°E 
Path name: on marked path
Time of walking: 1 h
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 360 m
Altitude difference (by path): 360 m
Map: Ljubljana - okolica 1:50.000
Views: 4,609
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 38
Access to starting point:
A) First, we drive to Dobrova pri Ljubljani, and then we continue driving in the direction of Polhov Gradec. When we get to the settlement Dvor, we are at the beginning of the described path which starts near the church.
B) From Ljubljana ring road or Gorenjska highway we go to the exit Ljubljana (Podutik), and then we continue driving towards the mentioned area of Ljubljana and further towards Dobrova. After Preval, where a road towards Toško Čelo branches off to the right, the road starts descending, and we are driving there to the spot, where we reach the main road Dobrova - Polhov Gradec. The mentioned road, we follow right in the direction of Polhov Gradec, and we follow the main road to the settlement Dvor, where the described path begins.
C) We drive to Polhov Gradec, and then we continue driving towards Ljubljana. When we get to Dvor we are at the beginning of the described path which starts near the church.
D) From highway Koper - Ljubljana, we go to the exit Vrhnika, and then we continue driving in the direction of Horjul. From Horjul we continue towards Ljubljana, but only to the settlement Zaklanec, because there we notice signs for Polhov Gradec, which point us to the left. When after few kilometers, we reach the road Dobrova - Polhov Gradec we follow it to the right, and we are driving there to the settlement Dvor, where starts the described footpath.
Path description:
In the middle of the settlement Dvor, more precisely near the both churches, we notice two marked beginnings of the path which lead towards Grmada. One mountain signpost we notice just by the church, other a little away, by the trough with water.
We choose the one, that starts at the trough, and we notice the sign on a nearby tree by the local road. On a narrower asphalt road, we are ascending to the left turn, and here we continue right, on otherwise further for some time unmarked, but well-beaten footpath (if we continue on the road, after few minutes we join the path which starts directly by the church in Dvor). The path which continues through the forest soon turns left and then it is ascending to few minutes distant cart track, where we reach a marked cart track (when we step on a cart track, we reach a marked path which starts by the church). For a short time, we follow the cart track to the right, and then blazes lead left on a relatively steep footpath. The path continues on mostly with pine trees vegetated ridge and in spite of that, that path runs through the forest, few times nice views open up. Once a view opens up towards Krim, second time towards Koreno, again third time on the nearby hills...
Higher, from some sort of the secondary peak, which we can also bypass on the right side on a well-beaten footpath, follows a short descent, and then we again start ascending. The path ahead leads us past a mouth of a wide and crumbly gully, where a short footpath branches off to the right towards some sort of vantage point, and we continue straight, on the path which passes into a smaller valley. Few minutes we are lightly ascending through a small valley, and then after a small saddle we step out of the forest on a larger clearing or a meadow, where we leave the marked path towards Grmada (from here, to the top we continue on an unmarked footpath).
The marked path towards Grmada continues straight and leads past a nearby hunting observatory, and we continue left, through a meadow, on at first entirely invisible footpath. Already after few meters, we catch some sort of the footpath (path which leads from Polhov Gradec, past the mountain hut Planinski dom na Ravneku), and we follow it left in the forest.
Still before we step into the forest, it is worth to stop a little and look around a little, because the view reaches from Blegoš to Julian Alps and of course to the near Grmada. When we step into the forest (here on the left side we notice another cart track - in the description unmarked path from Dvor), the path moderately ascends through a partly pine forest, after that forest gets thinner and we already step on the summit of Kucelj, from where a nice view opens up on part of Kamnik Savinja Alps.
If we want some more view towards the south and west, from the peak we continue on a small footpath which starts lightly descending towards the south, and there in a minute or two, we get to a nice vantage point, where also a smaller bench is situated.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in the year 2015 (March).
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec1
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec2
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec3
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec4
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec5
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec6
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec7
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec8
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec9
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec10
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec11
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec12
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec13
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec14
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec15
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec16
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec17
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec18
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec19
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec20
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec21
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec22
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec23
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec24
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec25
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec26
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec27
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec28
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec29
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec30
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec31
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec32
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec33
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec34
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec35
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec36
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec37
Dvor - Kucelj above Polhov Gradec38
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