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Gabrje - Tošč

Starting point: Gabrje (328 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.0766°N 14.3843°E 
Destination: Tošč (1021 m)
Time of walking: 3 h 5 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 693 m
Altitude difference (by path): 820 m
Map: Ljubljana - okolica 1:50.000
Views: 5,032
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 76
Access to starting point:
A) Primorska we leave the highway at exit Brezovica, and then we continue driving in the direction Dobrova and Polhov Gradec. Further, we drive through the valley of Gradaščica, and the main road towards Polhov Gradec we follow to a smaller crossroad, where a road towards villages Osredek, Topol (Katarina) and Belo branches off to the right (turn-off from the main road is located little before the beginning of the village Hrastenice). We park on an appropriate place by the mentioned crossroad.
B) From Ljubljana ring road or Gorenjska highway we go to the exit Ljubljana (Podutik), and then we continue driving towards the mentioned area of Ljubljana and further towards Dobrova. After Preval, where a road towards Toško Čelo branches off to the right, the road starts descending, and we are driving there to the spot, where we reach the main road Dobrova - Polhov Gradec. The mentioned road, we follow right in the direction of Polhov Gradec, and we follow the main road to a smaller crossroad, where a road towards villages Osredek, Topol (Katarina) and Belo branches off to the right (turn-off from the main road is located little before the beginning of the village Hrastenice). We park on an appropriate place by the mentioned crossroad.
C) We drive to Polhov Gradec, and then we continue driving towards Ljubljana. A little after the village Hrastenice, we will get to a crossroad, where the road towards villages Osredek, Topol (Katarina) and Belo branches off to the left (turn-off from the main road is located little before the beginning of the village Hrastenice). We park on an appropriate place by the mentioned crossroad.
Path description:
From the crossroad at the transformer we continue few steps on the main road towards Polhov Gradec, and then we go right in the direction of Grmada on a macadam road which continues past houses. Macadam road which leads us past few houses quickly brings us on a smaller saddle, where we continue straight downwards (sharply right cart track which leads on the eastern slopes of the peak Praprotno (527 meters) and further several times splits). The road then leads us past another house, and behind it we continue right on an ascending cart track. We continue the ascent diagonally through the forest, and past a smaller well we get to badly marked crossing, where we continue right. Further, we are moderately ascending through the forest, and by the path, we notice some of rare blazes, next to one is also caption for altitude. Higher, we get to some kind of a ridge by and on which we are then ascending towards the village Belo.
When we reach the village nice views open up, and the path further leads on mostly macadam road which in some crossroads we follow in the direction of open door farm Pr Lenart, which we quickly also reach.
From the farm we continue in the direction of Grmada, on a grassy cart track, on which we quickly get to a macadam road, and there we are gently ascending with nice views on Grmada and surrounding hills. At the hunting observatory worse road turns right and at the nearby house ends. House we bypass on the left side and we continue through a dense forest, where we at first walk on the left side of slope, and a little further we pass on the right side. Further, the path leads us through some lanes of pine forest, from where for some time also a view opens up a little and then the path returns into the forest and is ascending diagonally on a little slippery path. A little further, we reach the saddle Krvavi Vil, where there is a crossing of some paths.
From the crossing, we continue slightly left (slightly right Katarina and Goljek, right Kobilja dolina), where after few minutes we step on a marked path Katarina - Grmada.
We follow the mentioned path to the left, and soon joins also the path from tourist farm Robež.
The path continues on and by the ridge of Lipje, and at first, it leads past memorial plates NOB, a little further also past nice vantage point, after that mostly continues through the forest with some shorter ascents and descents. Such a path continues all the way to a marked crossing approximately 15 minutes below Grmada.
We continue right in the direction of tourist farm Gonte (left Setnica, straight Grmada) on a wide path, which with some short descends and ascents quickly brings us to the mentioned farm.
Left from tourist farm we will notice signposts for Tošč, which point us on a gently sloping and wide cart track. The marked path a little higher leaves the cart track and then starts ascending steeper. The path which almost entirely runs through the forest higher brings us to the summit of Mali Tošč (902m) from which path starts descending towards the saddle between the both peaks.
Further, from the right joins the path from Govejek, and we continue straight on the path which is ascending towards the summit Tošč. After approximately 15 minutes of additional walking, the path brings us on a pleasant peak.
On the way: Domačija Pr Lenart (Belo) (650m), Turistična kmetija Gonte (820m), Mali Tošč (902m)
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