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Gora - Trstelj

Starting point: Gora (400 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.8655°N 13.722°E 
Destination: Trstelj (643 m)
Time of walking: 50 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 243 m
Altitude difference (by path): 243 m
Map: Goriška 1:50.000
Views: 36,820
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 13
Access to starting point:
From highway Razdrto - Nova Gorica we go to the exit Selo and then we drive towards the village Dornberk. In the village Dornberk we turn left in the direction of Koper and then after 100 meters right towards Trstelj (turn-off for Trstelj is marked). The road that is ascending, we follow to the parking lot on the left side of the road (parking lot we recognize by a smaller chapel, which is situated in the middle of a rock, and on the top the mentioned rock we notice a small Aljaž turret).
From Nova Gorica side, we can come to the village Dornberk also past Šempeter and Volčja Draga.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we continue on the road which in few minutes brings us to a hamlet Gora. Behind the last house in the village, marked path turns right and after a short ascent returns on the road. We follow the road ahead for few minutes to Železna vrata, where we notice signposts. We continue the ascent on a wide gentle cart track which quickly brings us below wires of a power line. Here we leave the cart track and we continue left on a footpath which goes into the forest and starts moderately ascending. The steepness then decreases and the path brings us on unvegetated slopes, from which a view opens up towards the transmitters on the top of Trstelj. The path then goes again in the forest, where from the right side, the path from Renče joins. We continue left and after additional few steps we step on a worse road which we follow to the right towards the mountain hut, which we already see in front of us.
From the mountain hut, we continue in the direction of the peak, on the path that is gently ascending through a thin forest. After few ten strides, the path brings us on a worse road which with increasingly beautiful views we follow to the top.
On the way: Železna vrata (445m), Stjenkova koča na Trstelju mountain hut (610m)
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