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Gostišče Pekel - Pekel Gorge 3rd waterfall

Starting point: Gostišče Pekel (350 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.8906°N 14.372°E 
Time of walking: 25 min
Difficulty: partly demanding marked way
Difficulty of skiing: more demanding
Altitude difference: 95 m
Altitude difference (by path): 125 m
Map: Ljubljana - Okolica 1:50.000
Views: 12,313
Trip rating: 4 votes
Number of pictures: 7
Access to starting point:
From Vrhnika or Podpeč we drive to the village Borovnica. And here we turn in the village Brezovica pri Borovnici. Immediately, when the road through the underpass crosses the railway track, we turn right. We follow this road to the parking lot at the end of the road.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we go on a tourist path, which goes past the marks where the valley is described, at first through a meadow. The path then soon over a bridge crosses the stream. After some time again over the bridge, back on the right bank. And the path then starts slightly ascending and it brings us to the smallest barely 4 meters high 1st waterfall. The path then ascends and it brings us to the crossing. Left over the bridge is the second waterfall to which there is 30 meters. We return to a crossing, where we now go towards the third waterfall. At the ascent we get help from steep well-secured stairs, which soon take us to the third waterfall. Here stands a smaller decaying table from which there is a nice view towards the waterfall, which is falling into a smaller lake.
On the way: Soteska Pekel 1.slap (380m), Soteska Pekel 2.slap (410m)
Trip can be extended to: Pekel Gorge 5th waterfall ( 50 min)
Gostišče Pekel - Pekel Gorge 3rd waterfall1
Gostišče Pekel - Pekel Gorge 3rd waterfall2
Gostišče Pekel - Pekel Gorge 3rd waterfall3
Gostišče Pekel - Pekel Gorge 3rd waterfall4
Gostišče Pekel - Pekel Gorge 3rd waterfall5
Gostišče Pekel - Pekel Gorge 3rd waterfall6
Gostišče Pekel - Pekel Gorge 3rd waterfall7
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