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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Kalvarija above Jesenice / Jesenice (Ukova) - Kalvarija above Jesenice

Jesenice (Ukova) - Kalvarija above Jesenice

Starting point: Jesenice (Ukova) (600 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.4362°N 14.0648°E 
Time of walking: 25 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 184 m
Altitude difference (by path): 184 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Author: heinz
Views: 6,775
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 11
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Jesenice we go to the exit Lipce, where we drive right towards Jesenice. In the settlement Javornik at the crossroad with traffic lights we turn left towards the center of the town. At the second traffic light crossroad (at secondary school) we drive right back towards the road Tomšičeva cesta past the primary school on the left. Behind the school we drive past pedestrian crossing and we immediately turn in first (narrower) street on the left. When we ascend there for few 10 meters, on the right we see marked parking lot. Here is our starting point.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we continue on the road uphill, whereupon after few 10 meters on the left we notice swimming pool Ukova, and on the right road which branches off uphill towards the north in the forest. We step on the latter and we follow it short time, i.e. to the right turn in front of which is on the same side a fenced water catchment. On other - left side we step on the path which cuts double turn of the road which we left. Here we run into the first blazes. We quite quickly again cross the road, and we step on the path which starts ascending towards the north. When it starts turning left, it joins the cart track by which we notice a signpost. Here we go right on a cart track which quickly brings us to first small bridge (stream Ukova), over which we immediately come also to the second. Behind it, the path or cart track goes right uphill, after that more and more left in the direction of east. Next for some time follows ascending on and by winding cart track, where we all the time stick to the main - left path. When the steepness decreases, on the right we notice a smaller hill (Kalvarija), and on the tree signpost "kapelica" (chapel). We turn right uphill, and we immediately reach the peak on which there are a wooden chapel and a bench.
Jesenice (Ukova) - Kalvarija above Jesenice1
Jesenice (Ukova) - Kalvarija above Jesenice2
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Jesenice (Ukova) - Kalvarija above Jesenice7
Jesenice (Ukova) - Kalvarija above Jesenice8
Jesenice (Ukova) - Kalvarija above Jesenice9
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