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Kamen - Sveti Lenart (Krvava Peč)

Starting point: Kamen (889 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.8868°N 14.5325°E 
Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: -84 m
Altitude difference (by path): 150 m
Views: 5,274
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 38
Access to starting point:
From south Ljubljana bypass highway, we go to the exit Ljubljana - Rudnik and we continue driving towards Ig. At the roundabout in Ig, we continue "left" (direction exit Kurešček) and then after few 100 meters sharply right uphill (again direction Kurešček). Further, we drive on a relatively wide and ascending road which we then follow through the village Škrilje and Golo. Higher, the road flattens a little and soon brings us into the forest, where we need to pay attention. By the road, we soon notice signs for Stara žaga, and from here on the main road, we continue only a good 100 meters to the next turn-off to the right. Further, we drive on the forest road which at the first crossroad, we follow straight, in second, by which we notice also few mountain signposts, sharply right. Further, we drive on the diagonally ascending road which higher turns a little to the left and then after a short descent brings us to a crossroad of several roads. We park on one of the parking lots by the road near the mentioned crossroad.
Path description:
At the crossroad, we go sharply left (looking from the direction of described access to the starting point) and we continue the ascent on the forest road which is moderately ascending through the forest. After a short ascent, we come on an indistinct saddle between Lomnik (1005 meters) and Božičev štand (990 meters), after which the road gradually starts lightly descending. A little further, we come to a marked crossroad, where we go right in the direction of Krvava Peč (left Kurešček) and we continue on Path of couriers and connectors. The road then starts considerably descending and eventually it brings us to the next crossroad. We continue right in the direction of Krvava Peč (left abyss Repičnikovo brezno, and one of the paths on Kurešček) on the road which for some time is still descending, and then it brings us to Center of veterans for the war for Slovenia.
By the center there is an inscription box with a stamp, and we continue to the nearby crossroad, from which we have two options to continue.
We continue right (straight Sveti Lenart on the road) and we still continue on the road which leads us through western part of the village. And soon signs for Krvava pečina point us to the left (right foot of Krvava pečina, source Šumnik and remains of mills and Iška Bed'n) past the garden and houses on a grassy slope, on which we continue in a diagonal ascent. Higher, the path goes into a short lane of a dense forest and only a little further it brings us to the vantage point of Krvava pečina. From the vantage point, by which there is also a bench with table we continue left and after a short ascent, we step on a macadam road which we follow to the left, and there in few 10 strides we get to the summit, on which there is church of St. Lenart.
On the way: Krvava Peč (732m)
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