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Kamenščina - Bele ovce

Starting point: Kamenščina (900 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.5912°N 14.2903°E 
Destination: Bele ovce (1029 m)
Time of walking: 30 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 129 m
Altitude difference (by path): 129 m
Map: Snežnik 1:50.000
Views: 5,920
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 12
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Koper we go to the exit Postojna and follow the road ahead in the direction of Pivka, Reka and Ilirska Bistrica. In the settlement Pivka we leave the main road which runs towards Ilirska Bistrica and we continue driving towards the village Knežak. Only a little after Knežak, we come to the village Šembije, where we need to pay attention to the first turn-off to the left. So from the main road we turn sharply left and we continue driving on a macadam road which is at first gently, after that a little steeper ascending over karst fields. The road then flattens and brings us in smaller plateau terrain below Volovja reber. If we have a purpose to do a circular tour on the ridge of Volovja reber, then we can park already here, if not then we drive further, on occasionally a little rough macadam road which higher brings us to a sharp left turn, in the middle of which rough road branches off to the right. We continue on the left "main" road which higher brings us to the next crossroad by which we park.
Path description:
From the crossroad, we go sharply left, on a little rough forest road which starts to ascend diagonally over more and more panoramic grassy slopes. The worse road soon turns to the right and almost entirely flattens. A little further, we notice rough cart track which from the road branches off to the right (path on Velika Milanja 20 minutes), and we continue straight, on the road which soon brings us on the saddle between Velika Milanja on the right and the peak Bele ovce on the left.
Here the road again turns towards the left (direction west) and after few additional strides, it brings us by the upper foot of Bele ovce. Here we need to pay attention, because we will notice a poorly beaten footpath which in 5 minutes of additional walking brings us to the summit of Bele ovce.
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