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Lom - Koča na Kamnem griču

Starting point: Lom (817 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.7145°N 14.609°E 
Time of walking: 45 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 199 m
Altitude difference (by path): 215 m
Views: 1,310
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 20
Access to starting point:
A) First, we drive to Sodražica, and then we continue driving in the direction of the settlement Hrib-Loški Potok. Few 100 meters after the road sign 8.5 km, at the beginning of a longer the left turn a side road on which we go branches off to the left, and there we drive approximately 1 km, or to the spot, where marked cart track branches off to the left. A little before the cart track there are signposts for mountain hut Koča na Kamnem griču. We park on an appropriate place by the crossroad.
B) First, we drive to the settlement Hrib-Loški Potok, and then we continue driving in the direction of Sodražica. Soon after the road sign 9 km, in the last part of the right turn we turn right on a side road, on which we drive for approximately 1 km to the spot, where from the road, a marked cart track branches off slightly to the left in the direction of the mountain hut Koča na Kamnem griču. We park on an appropriate place by the crossroad.
Path description:
From the starting point, we continue in the direction of the mountain hut Koča na Kamnem griču, and the sign we notice on a tree by the road few 10 strides before the beginning of a cart track. Cart track at first gently ascends into a lane of a forest and then continues without large changes in altitude, partly through the forest, and partly through mowed meadows. Further, the cart track starts moderately ascending, and higher it brings us to a meadow, where the footpath vanishes. Here we continue straight upwards, and when we again step in the forest, also the footpath appears. Before we step into the forest it is worth to turn back, because a nice view opens up, which reaches all the way to Snežnik. In the forest beside the blazes we notice also caption KG (Kamni grič), which confirms, that we are on the right path. When we again step out of the forest we get to the next meadow, where again poorly visible footpath turns left. Next follows a moderate ascent, and then the path returns into the forest, where the path leads us through a shorter lane, where the footpath is a little more overgrown, but easy to follow. After that part follows a short descent, and then we reach a wider cart track and marked crossing.
From the crossing, we continue straight in the direction of the mountain hut Koča na Kamnem griču to which we have 5 more minutes of a moderate ascent on a mostly grassy slope.
From the mountain hut, we can in few steps ascend also on the nearby peak, from which a nice view opens up, which reaches all the way to the Alps.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in the year 2016 (August).
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