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Mountain ranges / Goriško, Notranjsko and Snežniško hribovje / Lopar / Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar (on path Pot oslovega hrbta)

Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar (on path Pot oslovega hrbta)

Starting point: Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) (303 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.5079°N 13.8242°E 
Destination: Lopar (303 m)
Path name: on path Pot oslovega hrbta
Time of walking: 2 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 0 m
Altitude difference (by path): 215 m
Map: Primorje in Kras 1:50.000
Views: 2,040
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 50
Access to starting point:
Highway H5 (Škofije - Koper) we leave at exit Bertoki and we drive to the mentioned settlement. Further, we follow the signs for settlement Sveti Anton, and we drive through the settlement Prade, Pobegi, Čežarji, to Sveti Anton, where after the parish church of St. Anton we turn right towards Marezige. Further, we drive on a little narrower road, and there we drive to a crossroad, which is situated after the recycling spot and a bus stop and before the chapel. From the crossroad, we go left downwards in the direction of the settlement Lopar (straight Marezige, right Kavaliči). Next follows a shorter descent, and then after crossing the stream Pinjevec (Rokava) we again start ascending. When we get to Lopar, we park on a parking lot by house Hiša od Bardinca, and by the parking lot there are also information boards.
Path description:
From the starting point, we continue on the road through the village, where the path leads us past Culture house Lopar, past the turn-off of walking, the path Lopar - Truške, and past the church of St. Jeruf. Soon after the church, on the part where the path leads us among vineyards, we go from the road slightly right, and then we continue on a grassy cart track which is descending diagonally towards the right. Lower, we get to the forest, and the path crosses a torrent. On the other side of the torrent, the path turns right and continues on or by an overgrown cart track which is higher because of the overgrowth harder passable. After the overgrown part path becomes easier passable, and then it crosses an asphalt road, and we go on a side road and we continue towards the settlement Zabavlje. Next follows some of walking on the asphalt road, from which a nice view opens up towards Žbevnica and Učka.
From the nearby crossroad, at the smaller hamlet we continue "straight", and then signs (yellow line) point us on a macadam path, which quickly changes into a cart track. Cart track is becoming more and more grassy, and when it passes into the forest, because of the overgrowth becomes practically impassable. When we break through overgrown part, the path passes into a more dense forest, where the path is easier passable. After few minutes, we get to an asphalt road which leads towards the settlement Popetre, and we only cross the road and we continue on a cart track which starts gradually descending. Next follows longer descent on a cart track which is mostly turning slightly towards the left. Lower, the path flattens and we cross few torrents, and the path for some time widens into a wide cart track, from which we soon go left, on again a little overgrown path. Next follows some descent, and the path at first runs through a dense forest, and when it flattens, it passes amond meadows and plantation. Few minutes we still walk on a gently sloping path, and then we reach an asphalt road which we follow to the left. Soon after crossing of the stream Pinjevec (Rokava) we go left on a steep side road, on which we ascend to the near house, and before the house we go left. We quickly get to the forest or lane of bushes, and the path is ascending all the way until we reach the settlement Lopar. Before first houses a beautiful view opens up, and when we reach a little wider road, on which we already walked, we go right and follows only few minutes to return to the house Hiša od Bardinca, where we started.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in the year 2018 (June).
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar1
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar2
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar3
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar4
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar5
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar6
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar7
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar8
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar9
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar10
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar11
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar12
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar13
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar14
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar15
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar16
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar17
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar18
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar19
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar20
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar21
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar22
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar23
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar24
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar25
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar26
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar27
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar28
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar29
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar30
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar31
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar32
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar33
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar34
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar35
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar36
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar37
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar38
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar39
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar40
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar41
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar42
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar43
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar44
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar45
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar46
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar47
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar48
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar49
Lopar (Hiša od Bardinca) - Lopar50
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