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Mountain ranges / Goriško, Notranjsko and Snežniško hribovje / Petelinjek / Matevljek - Petelinjek (via Votla stena)

Matevljek - Petelinjek (via Votla stena)

Starting point: Matevljek (840 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.6866°N 14.5732°E 
Destination: Petelinjek (1212 m)
Path name: via Votla stena
Time of walking: 1 h 20 min
Difficulty: partly demanding marked way, easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 372 m
Altitude difference (by path): 415 m
Views: 5,746
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 53
Access to starting point:
A) From the road Ljubljana - Kočevje at settlement Žlebič we go on the road in the direction of Sodražica. In Sodražica we leave the main road and we continue driving in the direction of the settlement Hrib - Loški potok. Further, we drive on at first an ascending and quite winding road which we follow to the earlier mentioned settlement. When from the right side the road from Nova vas na Blokah joins, we continue straight, and then at the next crossroad right in the direction of Srednja vas. Here the road starts descending steeper, and a little lower at the next crossroad, we continue straight in the direction of Šegova vas. In Šegova vas we choose the left road, and then past few houses we ascend on extensive meadows, through which we get to a hamlet Matevljek. Above the hamlet, the road loses an asphalt covering and gradually passes into the forest. When we get to a crossroad of multiple roads, we park on an appropriate place by the crossroad. We park the way we don't hinder possible forestry work.
B) From highway Ljubljana - Koper we go to the exit Unec, and then we continue driving towards Cerknica and further to Nova vas. In Nova vas, on an indistinct, but still well-marked crossroad, we continue straight on the road in the direction of Sodražica, and after approximately 1 km of additional driving right in the direction of Studenec na Blokah. At the next crossroads, we follow the road in the direction of the settlement Hrib - Loški Potok. When we join the road from Sodražica, we continue straight, and then at the next crossroad right in the direction of Srednja vas. Here the road starts descending steeper, and a little lower at the next crossroad, we continue straight in the direction of Šegova vas. In Šegova vas we choose the left road, and then past few houses we ascend on extensive meadows, through which we get to a hamlet Matevljek. Above the hamlet, the road loses an asphalt covering and gradually passes into the forest. When we get to a crossroad of multiple roads, we park on an appropriate place by the crossroad. We park the way we don't hinder possible forestry work.
Path description:
From the crossroad, by which we parked, we continue on the upper right road (looking in the direction of access to the starting point), which starts moderately ascending through the forest. The road, by which we can notice also few old blazes, we follow to the spot, where the forest for some time ends. Here we continue right on a cart track, and it returns into the forest. We continue through a quite thin forest, and the cart track quickly brings us to the next crossing, where we continue on the most left cart track. Cart track, which is then moderately ascending, only few minutes higher brings us to a less noticeable crossing, where a little better marked path branches off to the right towards Votla stena and Velika Jazbina.
We continue on the mentioned path, on which we quickly get to the nearby hunting cottage.
From the hunting cottage, we continue straight, and the path gradually passes into a dense forest, where it turns a little to the left and it brings us below the steep rocky cliffs. The path ahead leads us below the cliffs and it quickly brings us to Votla stena.
From Votla stena, we continue on a marked path, which then ascends diagonally on a quite steep slope, where mainly in wet there is increased danger of slipping. The path quickly flattens and it brings us to a forest road which we only cross. On the other side of the road, the path starts at first moderately and then steeply ascending through the forest. Higher, the path turns a little more to the left and it brings us to the spot, where it starts ascending steeply on partly rocky terrain. After a short ascent, we step on the ridge, which is further on many spots slightly exposed, but mostly covered with a forest. Next follows few steep rocky jumps and the path brings us on a panoramic peak of Velika Jazbina.
From Velika Jazbina, we continue on a marked ridge path which starts gradually descending. After few minutes of descent, the forest ends and the path brings us on a large grassy saddle, where the blazes end.
We continue straight on the opposite bank, where through the forest (easy pathless terrain) we start ascending towards the summit of Petelinjek, which we reach after good 5 minutes of additional walking.
On the way: Lovska koča (1052m), Votla stena (1090m), Velika Jazbina (1201m)
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