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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Potoška planina / Poljana (Završnica) - Potoška planina (via Valvasorjev dom)

Poljana (Završnica) - Potoška planina (via Valvasorjev dom)

Starting point: Poljana (Završnica) (640 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.4072°N 14.1461°E 
Path name: via Valvasorjev dom
Time of walking: 1 h 50 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 630 m
Altitude difference (by path): 700 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Views: 8,728
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 48
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Jesenice we go to the exit Lesce and follow the road ahead in the direction of Žirovnica and Jesenice. After few km of driving, we will get to a crossroad, where the road in Žirovnica and Moste branches off to the right (from the direction of Jesenice left). Only few meters ahead in the next crossroad, we turn left in Moste (right Žirovnica). Further, we drive past a monument to fallen soldiers, where the road starts ascending on a hill below the railway track. On top of the slope, we turn right (at the sign Vila Karin), and then drive towards the lake Završniško jezero and Valvasorjev dom. The road then flattens and it brings us to a crossroad, where the road to Valvasorjeve dom branches off to the left. Here we continue straight towards Završnica and then after 100 meters we park on a well-settled asphalt parking lot.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we return on an asphalt road to the crossroad, and from there we continue in the direction of the mountain hut Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom and mountain pasture Potoška planina. From the crossroad, for some time we walk on a scenic macadam road, and then blazes and signs for Valvasorjev dom point us to the left on a marked footpath which gently descends to the nearby stream Rečica. Through a footbridge we cross the mentioned stream and then we get to a larger meadow, through which we gently ascend slightly towards the left. On the other side of the meadow, the path goes into the forest and passes on a relatively steep cart track, on which we ascend to an indistinct small saddle between the peaks Sivo rebro and Smolnik.
From here only for a short time, we continue on a cart track, and then signs point us to the right on a footpath which ascends diagonally over a short rough slope. Well maintained path then turns to the left and is further ascending diagonally over occasionally steeper slopes of the peak Smolnik. All the time quite wide path, higher brings us to a forest road which we only cross. On the other side of the road, we go right and we continue the ascent on a poorly marked path, which higher also has some unmarked shortcuts. This path, which is in the upper part because of numerous footpaths also orientationally a little harder, we follow all the way to the mountain hut Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom.
From the mountain hut Valvasorjev dom we continue on a rough macadam road in the direction of Belščica and Potoška planina. After an initial a little steeper ascent the road gradually flattens and turns to the left, where then crosses the slopes below Potoški Stol. The road which most of the time runs through the forest, after a time slightly descends and it brings us to a crossroad right next to the mountain pasture Potoška planina. Here we cross a grazing fence and in few steps we walk to a shepherd hut on the mentioned mountain pasture.
On the way: Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom mountain hut (1181m)
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