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Povir - Stari tabor

Starting point: Povir (410 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.6966°N 13.934°E 
Destination: Stari tabor (603 m)
Time of walking: 1 h 10 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 193 m
Altitude difference (by path): 193 m
Map: Slovenska Istra - Čičarija, Brkini in Kras 1:50.000
Views: 9,862
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 12
Access to starting point:
A) From highway Ljubljana - Koper we go to the exit Divača, and then we continue driving towards Divača. From Divača we continue in the direction towards Sežana, and after few kilometers of additional driving, we get to the settlement Povir, where we leave the main road and we continue left towards the center of the settlement. Further, we drive through the center of the village, and after the overpass over the railway track, we turn left. Further, we drive past few more residential houses, and then the asphalt ends. We park few 100 meters ahead from the end of the village, on an appropriate place by the road.
B) First, we drive to Sežana, and then we continue driving on the old road towards Divača. When we get to the settlement Povir we leave the main road and we continue right towards the center of the settlement. Further, we drive through the center of the village, and after the overpass over the railway track, we turn left. Further, we drive past few more residential houses, and then the asphalt ends. We park few 100 meters ahead from the end of the village, on an appropriate place by the road.
Path description:
From the starting point, we continue on the macadam road which is at first ascending gently through the forest. The forest soon changes into bushes, and the road which is slowly turning towards the right, brings us to the marked crossroad, where we continue on the right road in the direction of Stari tabor (left Lokev and Strmec). From the crossroad ahead we continue on a quite gently sloping road, and it soon brings us to the next crossroad.
We continue straight in the direction of the easier path on Stari tabor (left harder path), and it only few meters ahead brings us to rock shelter Hudičkov spodmol, which is from the path distant only 30 meters.
From the rock shelter ahead we for some time walk on a gently sloping road, and then we get to a smaller crossroad, where we continue on the right, a little worse road. At the next crossroad, we go left and then we continue on a bit steeper road, from which soon a path branches off to the right towards the second rock shelter (rock shelter Šprinčnca), to which there is 5 minutes of walking. Higher, the road ends, and we continue on a marked path, to which at first from the right joins a worse beaten path from the cave Vilenica, and a little further also the path from the village Lokev. At the both crossings, we continue left and then without problems we get to a panoramic peak.
Trip can be extended to: Stari tabor
Povir - Stari tabor1
Povir - Stari tabor2
Povir - Stari tabor3
Povir - Stari tabor4
Povir - Stari tabor5
Povir - Stari tabor6
Povir - Stari tabor7
Povir - Stari tabor8
Povir - Stari tabor9
Povir - Stari tabor10
Povir - Stari tabor11
Povir - Stari tabor12
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