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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Dom na Lovrencu (Bašelj) / Povlje - Dom na Lovrencu (Bašelj)

Povlje - Dom na Lovrencu (Bašelj)

Starting point: Povlje (710 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3296°N 14.3768°E 
Time of walking: 50 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 150 m
Altitude difference (by path): 210 m
Map: Karavanke 1:50.000 - osrednji del
Views: 1,511
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 34
Access to starting point:
A) From highway Ljubljana - Jesenice we go to the exit Brnik, when we reach the road Mengeš - Kranj, we continue left towards Kranj. On the main road towards Kranj we drive to first roundabout, from where we continue on first exit right in the direction of Šenčur. Through Šenčur we continue on the main road, after we reach the road Kranj - Zgornje Jezersko, we continue right in the direction of Jezersko. When we get to Preddvor we leave the main road and we continue driving left towards the center of the mentioned settlement, from there we follow the signs for settlement Bašelj. A little after the settlement Bašelj the road descends to a stream Milka and over a bridge also crosses it. Here at first road in the village Babni Vrt branches off to the right, and good 100 meters ahead also in the village Povlje. We continue on an ascending road towards Povlje, and we park on a smaller parking lot above the village. At the starting point, there is a smaller crossroad, more mountain signposts and larger information board of learning path Trstenik "Pot pod Storžičem".
B) From highway Jesenice - Ljubljana we go to the exit Kranj west, and then we continue driving towards Golnik. When we get to Tenetiše we leave the main road towards Golnik and we continue driving right in the direction of Trstenik. Approximately 1km after the settlement Trstenik we get to a smaller crossroad, where we continue left in the direction of village Povlje. We continue on an ascending road towards Povlje, and we park on a smaller parking lot above the village. At the starting point, there is a smaller crossroad, more mountain signposts and larger information board of learning path Trstenik "Pot pod Storžičem".
Path description:
From the starting point, we continue in the direction of learning path Trstenik "Pot pod Storžičem", that means we continue on the asphalt road which turns right and a little higher leads past few more houses and holiday cottages. Above the settlement, the asphalt ends, and the road passes into the forest, where a little ahead crosses a torrent stream (in the upper part known as southwest groove of Storžič, in the lower part it isn't so distinct). After the crossing of torrent ditch, where in spring time grows wild garlic, the road is for some time ascending diagonally towards the right, and then splits in two wide cart tracks. We continue on the lower right cart track, and from there already after few steps we go left into the forest, on the path in the direction of St. Lovrenc. The path for some time continues without large changes in altitude, and then we join the cart track, on which we quickly get to Srečotovi mlinčki (little mills).
Little above the mills we leave the cart track, because signs for path P2 (path Pot pod Storžičem) point us to the right on a footpath which continues through a dense forest (straight on a cart track Storžič, Kališče...). After few minutes, we reach the ridge, which connects Gora (peak above the church of St. Lovrenc) with massif Storžič, and we continue right. On the next marked crossing we go straight in the direction of St. Lovrenc, then the path leads us in a moderate ascent on the eastern side of Gora. When ascent ends, in front of us, we notice the church of St. Lovrenc, to which we descend in few 10 strides.
Church, from which a beautiful view opens up we bypass on the left side, and then we diagonally descend towards the right, where in less than 5 minutes we get to the mountain hut Dom on Lovrencu.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in the year 2017 (April).
On the way: Sveti Lovrenc (Bašelj) (892m)
Trip can be extended to: Gradišče (Pustinjak) , Krničarjeva koča na planini Javornik , Dom na Kališču , Bašeljski vrh , Mali Grintovec , Storžič
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