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Mountain ranges / Goriško, Notranjsko and Snežniško hribovje / Mala gora / Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora (Srednječavenska pot)

Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora (Srednječavenska pot)

Starting point: Predmeja (tunnels) (800 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.9377°N 13.8692°E 
Destination: Mala gora (1034 m)
Path name: Srednječavenska pot
Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: partly demanding marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 234 m
Altitude difference (by path): 315 m
Map: Goriška 1:50.000
Views: 35,000
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 36
Access to starting point:
From highway Razdrto - Nova Gorica we go to the exit Ajdovščina and follow the road ahead towards the village Lokavec (to Lokavec we come from the center of Ajdovščina, or from old road Ajdovščina - Nova Gorica, where at settlement Cesta we turn right). From Lokavec we continue driving on ascending winding road in the direction of Predmeja. The mentioned road, we follow to mountain signposts for Čaven, Veliki rob and Kucelj (signposts are located between the quarry and tunnels, the road sign approx. 10 km). We park few 10 meters lower on a parking lot by the road.
To the starting point, we can also come from Godovič, over Črni vrh and Col to Predmeja. In this case from Predmeja we descend towards Ajdovščina and then soon after the third tunnel we park.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we at first walk to signposts, and then we go on the path Srednječavenska pot. The path which goes immediately in the forest, at first moderately ascends and then it continues by crossing the slopes towards the south. Wide and well made mountain path, soon passes on steep slopes (danger of falling stones) and is gradually turning more and more towards the right. A little further from the path beautiful views opening up on Nanos and Vipava valley, and the path gradually passes on more rocky terrain. Even a little further, the path again passes into a dense forest, where it starts lightly descending. After a shorter gentle descent we come to a crossing, where we continue straight (left downwards Lokavec, right upward mountain hut Koča na Čavnu) on the path which although it runs at an altitude of approximately 900 meters, it is getting the appearance of real high mountain path. The path from mostly pine forest, brings us on the scree, from which a nice view opens up through a valley, on the right side we see steep rocky cliffs. At the end of the scree path passes into walls of the eastern secondary peak of Mala gora, where with the help of steel cables we cross wide and also partly exposed ledge. At the end of the ledge a nice view opens up on slide Slano blato above Lokavec, and we continue on a path Srednječavenska pot, which turns a little more to the right, where it starts slightly descending through a lane of bushes. After a short descent, the path flattens, and next to it we notice a big rocky peak and next to it a pleasant bench for a shorter or longer rest. The path which then continues through the forest, quickly brings us to the next crossing.
This time we continue right in the direction of Mala gora and Čaven (left downwards Stomaž, and straight continues the path Srednječavenska pot) on the path which starts ascending steeper. After few minutes of a steep ascent steepness decreases and the path brings us on unvegetated grassy slopes of Mala gora, where we also come to the next crossing. Here we continue left (straight upwards mountain hut Koča na Čavnu) on the path which mostly crosses slopes towards the west. After approximately 10 minutes of walking from the crossing the path descends and in few steps, it brings us to the cottage on Mala gora.
Trip can be extended to: Kucelj na Čavnu ( 30 min) , Veliki Rob (1 h 30 min) , Koča Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu , Veliki Modrasovec
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora1
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora2
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora3
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora4
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora5
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora6
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora7
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora8
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora9
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora10
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora11
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora12
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora13
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora14
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora15
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora16
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora17
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora18
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora19
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora20
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora21
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora22
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora23
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora24
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora25
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora26
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora27
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora28
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora29
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora30
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora31
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora32
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora33
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora34
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora35
Predmeja (tunnels) - Mala gora36
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