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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Bivouac Marussich / Reklanska dolina - Bivouac Marussich

Reklanska dolina - Bivouac Marussich

Starting point: Reklanska dolina (700 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3937°N 13.4405°E 
Time of walking: 4 h
Difficulty: difficult marked way
Difficulty of skiing: very demanding
Altitude difference: 1341 m
Altitude difference (by path): 1341 m
Map: Julijske Alpe - zahodni del 1:50.000
Views: 3,378
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 27
Access to starting point:
From Kranjska Gora over the border crossing Rateče we drive to Trbiž / Tarvisio. In Trbiž we continue left in the direction of Bovec and we follow the road to the crossroad near the lake Rabeljsko jezero. Here we continue right in the direction of Nevejski preval / Sella Nevea. From the saddle, we descend on the road through numerous tunnels on Reklanica side. Approximately 1km after the last tunnel we park on one of the parking lots by the road.
From Bovec, we drive to the border crossing Predel, from which we descend to italian side. Only a little after the lake Rabeljsko jezero we come to the crossroad, where we continue left in the direction of Nevejski preval / Sella Nevea. Further, follow the upper description.
Path description:
From the parking lot by the road we then descend few ten meters to the spot, where on the left side of the road, we notice signposts for mountain pasture Gorjuda (Casera Goriuda). The path immediately leads in the forest, where it is at first gently and then steeper and steeper ascending. After a good 20 minutes of walking, the path brings us to first more demanding part, where with the help of steel cables we cross wide and secured carved ledge. Similar passage then repeats two more times, on all passages we are accompanied by trickling of water drops, so that we are pretty wet. The path is then even steeper ascending on a steep and in wet for slipping dangerous slope. All key spots, mainly passages over gullies are well-secured. The problem arises only, if we go on the path after heavy rains or thaw, when the gullies are full of water and then crossing is not possible. The steepness then decreases a little and quite an overgrown path then through the forest brings us below a rocky cliff, where the path turns sharply left. With the help of steel cables we cross one more short slightly exposed spot, after that problems vanish. Further, the path quickly brings us out of the forest and in front of us, we notice old shepherd hut (converted in bivouac) on the mountain pasture Gorjuda, where there is a crossing.
We continue on the right side of the cottage in the direction of bivouac Marrusich on quite an overgrown path, which after a short ascent again brings us into the forest. Considerably overgrown path a little further with the help of the small bridge crosses a torrent stream and then it brings us in thin mostly larch forest. Here the path gets very close mighty limestone pavement plates, and then it avoids them slightly to the right and then it is ascending parallel with them. When the path for a short time flattens on the right side we notice entrance in ice cave. Here we can a little cool down, ascent in the cave because of the ice can be deadly dangerous. Further, more and more scenic path over a series of valleys brings us on high mountain terrain of Kanin mountains. After additional few minutes of walking on a plateau terrain we come on a poorly marked crossing, where we continue left (right Tamaroz). The path ahead is ascending on karst terrain full of limestone pavements and abysses so we carefully follow the path which after good 20 minutes of ascent from a crossing, brings us on the path Rifugio Giberti - Žrd. Here we continue right and we follow relatively gently sloping path to bivouac Marrusich, which we reach after few minutes.
The starting point - mountain pasture Gorjuda 2:00, mountain pasture Gorjuda - bivouac Marrusich 2:00.
On the way: Planina Gorjuda (1404m)
Trip can be extended to: Vrh Grubje , Sart / Žrd (1 h 15 min) , Vrh Krnice , Visoki Kanin
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