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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Quadiaalm / Rosenbach - Quadiaalm (via Medji dol / Bärental)

Rosenbach - Quadiaalm (via Medji dol / Bärental)

Starting point: Rosenbach (630 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.522°N 14.029°E 
Destination: Quadiaalm (1271 m)
Path name: via Medji dol / Bärental
Time of walking: 2 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 641 m
Altitude difference (by path): 675 m
Map: Karavanke 1:50.000 - osrednji del
Views: 336
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 23
Access to starting point:
A) Through the Karawanks Tunnel, we drive to Austria, and then we drive on the highway towards Beljaku, which we leave on the first exit. From the point, when we left the highway, we follow the signs for Šentjakob v Rožu / Sankt Jakob im Rosental. When we get to the mentioned settlement we leave the main road and we continue driving right in the direction of the settlement Podrožca / Rosenbach. After few kilometers of additional driving, we get near the railway station in Podrožca, where we continue left downwards, and then at the next crossroad right in the direction of valley Medji Dol / Bärental. Further, we drive on a little narrower asphalt road which we follow to the first crossroad, by which we notice hiking signposts. We park at an appropriate place by the road.
From toll station in Hrušica to the starting point, there is approximately 23 km.
B) Over the border crossing Ljubelj we drive to Austria and follow the main road towards Celovec / Klagenfurt. When we already get into a valley, at the second roundabout, which is situated on the right bank river Drau, we turn on exit Bistrica v Rožu / Feistritz im Rosental, and then we drive on the main road to the settlement Podgorje / Maria Elend. After the mentioned settlement we turn left towards Podrožca / Rosenbach. Further, the road leads us through the settlement Tale / Tallach, and then we already get to Podrožca. In Podrožca at first we drive through the underpass under a railway track, and a little further we already see first signs for Golica / Kahlkogel, where we still continue on the main road. At the next yellow signs, about 50 meters ahead, we continue left on a narrower asphalt road which leads into a valley Medji dol / Bärental (by the crossroad there are signs for the chapel in ruins / Kapellenruine). From the crossroad, we drive for approximately 1 km, and then we park on an appropriate place by the crossroad and hiking signposts.
From the border crossing Ljubelj to the starting point, there is approximately 35 km.
Path description:
From the starting point, we go on the left road following the signs Rožca / Rosenbachsattel (straight Kepa / Mittagskogel). The road at first crosses a bridge through stream Gračenica / Schönbrunnen, and then starts at first gently, and later moderately ascending through the forest. Further, we are for quite some time ascending on the forest road, and then we get to a marked crossroad at an altitude 900 meters.
From the mentioned crossroad, we continue left in the direction of Golica / Kahlkogel and mountain pasture Kladje / Quadiaalm and we are still ascending on the road, and from which higher occasionally a view opens up a little towards surrounding mountains. Higher, at an altitude of approximately 1300 meters we get to a small saddle, where the path branches off to the right, which leads towards the summit of Golica, and we continue on the road which starts descending. After a short descent, we get to a crossroad of the macadam roads, from which we continue sharply left, on the road which is still descending (straight mountain pasture Zgornje Kladje and hunting cottage). After a shorter further descent we get out of the forest on the mountain pasture Kladje.
Trip can be extended to: Kahlkogel/Golica
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