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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Sveti Mihael (Rute (Zavrh)) / St. Michael (Bärental) / Rute (Zavrh) / Bärental - Sveti Mihael (Rute (Zavrh)) / St. Michael (Bärental)

Rute (Zavrh) / Bärental - Sveti Mihael (Rute (Zavrh)) / St. Michael (Bärental)

Starting point: Rute (Zavrh) / Bärental (950 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.4711°N 14.1563°E 
Time of walking: 7 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 32 m
Altitude difference (by path): 35 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Views: 237
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 8
Access to starting point:
A) Through the Karawanks Tunnel, we drive to Austria, and then we drive on the highway towards Beljaku, which we leave on the first exit. From the point, when we left the highway, we follow the signs for Šentjakob v Rožu / Sankt Jakob im Rosental. When we get to the mentioned settlement we drive on the main road past Podgora / Maria Elend and settlement Sveče / Suetschach to the settlement Bistrica v Rožu / Feistritz im Rosental, where before the stores Billa and Penny we turn right in the direction of the valley Rute / Bärental. About 100 meters after we leave the main road we continue left and then on a little narrower and ascending asphalt road we drive to the parking lot, where a macadam road branches off to the right towards the church of St. Mihael, grave of former Carinthia's Landeshauptmann Jörg Haider and homesteads Štefan, Žnidar and Plavc. At the crossroad, which is situated about 100 meters before Stouhütte, are signs only for "zur Gedenkstätte".
B) Through a border crossing Ljubelj we drive to Austria, where on the main road towards Celovec / Klagenfurt am Wörtersee we drive to the second roundabout, from where we continue driving in the direction of exit Bistrica v Rožu / Feistritz im Rosental (main road towards Celovec we leave before we cross a river Drau). In the mentioned settlement immediately behind the stores Billa and Penny we turn left on a road in the direction of the valley Rute / Bärental. About 100 meters after we leave the main road we continue once again left and then on a little narrower and ascending asphalt road drive to the parking lot, where a macadam road branches off to the right towards the church of St. Mihael, grave of former koroškega Landeshauptmann Jörg Haider and homesteads Štefan, Žnidar and Plavc. At the crossroad, which is situated about 100 meters before Stouhütte, are signs only for "zur Gedenkstätte".
C) From Dravograd or Slovenj Gradec we drive to Ravne na Koroškem, and then we continue driving in the direction of border crossing Holmec. When we drive in Austria at first we drive towards Pliberk / Bleiburg, and then we follow the signs for Globasnica / Globasnitz and ahead Železna Kapla / Bad Eisenkappel, Borovlje / Ferlach. Behind Borovlje at the roundabout, we join the road through the border crossing Ljubelj. Here in first roundabout we continue in the direction of Celovec / Klagenfurt, in the second in the direction of Bistrica v Rožu / Feistritz im Rosental. In the mentioned settlement immediately behind the stores Billa and Penny we turn left on a road in the direction of the valley Rute / Bärental. About 100 meters after we leave the main road we continue once again left and then on a little narrower and ascending asphalt road drive to the parking lot, where a macadam road branches off to the right towards the church of St. Mihael, grave of former koroškega Landeshauptmann Jörg Haider and homesteads Štefan, Žnidar and Plavc. At the crossroad, which is situated about 100 meters before Stouhütte, are signs only for "zur Gedenkstätte".
Path description:
From the parking lot, we go slightly right on the road, by which there are signs "Zur Gedenkstätte". The road immediately starts ascending and turns right. We quickly get to a crossroad from which we continue right (left road leads towards the homestead Žnidar / Schneider), and then we quickly ascend to the next crossroad, where we again continue right in the direction "Zur Gedenkstätte" (on the left road continues a marked path on Mačenski vrh / Matschacher Gupf).
The path ahead leads us past old school / Alte Schule Bärental and nearby house, and then we already get to new church of St. Mihael in Rute / St. Michael (Bärental).
Description and pictures refer to a condition in the year 2018 (June).
Trip can be extended to: Mačenski vrh / Matschacher Gupf
Rute (Zavrh) / Bärental - Sveti Mihael (Rute (Zavrh)) / St. Michael (Bärental)1
Rute (Zavrh) / Bärental - Sveti Mihael (Rute (Zavrh)) / St. Michael (Bärental)2
Rute (Zavrh) / Bärental - Sveti Mihael (Rute (Zavrh)) / St. Michael (Bärental)3
Rute (Zavrh) / Bärental - Sveti Mihael (Rute (Zavrh)) / St. Michael (Bärental)4
Rute (Zavrh) / Bärental - Sveti Mihael (Rute (Zavrh)) / St. Michael (Bärental)5
Rute (Zavrh) / Bärental - Sveti Mihael (Rute (Zavrh)) / St. Michael (Bärental)6
Rute (Zavrh) / Bärental - Sveti Mihael (Rute (Zavrh)) / St. Michael (Bärental)7
Rute (Zavrh) / Bärental - Sveti Mihael (Rute (Zavrh)) / St. Michael (Bärental)8
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