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Mountain ranges / Mountains eastern from Mur / Kapfensteiner Kogel / Schloss Kapfenstein - Kapfensteiner Kogel (southern path)

Schloss Kapfenstein - Kapfensteiner Kogel (southern path)

Starting point: Schloss Kapfenstein (446 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.89008°N 15.97623°E 
Path name: southern path
Time of walking: 10 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 27 m
Altitude difference (by path): 27 m
Views: 58
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 10
Access to starting point:
Through border crossing Sotina we drive to Austria, where immediately after the border we continue left towards the settlement Strgarjevo / Kalch. After the mentioned settlement we get from Austrian state Burgenland to Steiermark, and after the settlement Neustift we go at the crossroad right in the direction of the settlement Kapfenstein. In the mentioned settlement we go right in the direction towards the castle Schloss Kapfenstein and also at the next crossroads, we follow the signs for the mentioned castle. We park right from the castle on a parking lot by the edge of the forest.
Path description:
Fom the end of the parking lot, we continue right towards the northeast, where we cross the fence, and after the fence we soon go left on a footpath which ascends through vineyard. Higher the vineyard ends and in few steps we reach the peak Kapfensteiner Kogel, from which a view opens up a little.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in December 2022.
Schloss Kapfenstein - Kapfensteiner Kogel1
Schloss Kapfenstein - Kapfensteiner Kogel2
Schloss Kapfenstein - Kapfensteiner Kogel3
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Schloss Kapfenstein - Kapfensteiner Kogel5
Schloss Kapfenstein - Kapfensteiner Kogel6
Schloss Kapfenstein - Kapfensteiner Kogel7
Schloss Kapfenstein - Kapfensteiner Kogel8
Schloss Kapfenstein - Kapfensteiner Kogel9
Schloss Kapfenstein - Kapfensteiner Kogel10
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