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Mountain ranges / Polhograjsko hribovje and Ljubljana / Koča Klobuk / Stranska vas (Pri Jurčku) - Koča Klobuk

Stranska vas (Pri Jurčku) - Koča Klobuk

Starting point: Stranska vas (Pri Jurčku) (360 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.0597°N 14.4295°E 
Time of walking: 22 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 73 m
Altitude difference (by path): 82 m
Map: Ljubljana - okolica 1:50.000
Views: 1,570
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 21
Access to starting point:
A) From highway Ljubljana - Koper we go to the exit Brezovica, and then we continue driving towards Dobrova. From the roundabout in Dobrova we continue in the direction of Polhov Gradec, and after 100 meters right towards Šentvid. When we get to Stranska vas, at the crossroad in the middle of the village we turn right, and after few 100 meters slightly left in the direction of A. Škulj and open door farm Pri Jurčku. 50 meters ahead we go again left and then we drive to a smaller parking lot, which is situated above open door farm Pri Jurčku (for parking we ask at mentioned farm).
B) First, we drive to Horjul, and then we continue driving towards Dobrova. When we get to the mentioned settlement, from the roundabout we turn in the direction of Polhov Gradec, and after 100 meters right towards Šentvid. When we get to Stranska vas, at the crossroad in the middle of the village we turn right, and after few 100 meters slightly left in the direction of A. Škulj and open door farm Pri Jurčku. 50 meters ahead we go again left and then we drive to a smaller parking lot, which is situated above open door farm Pri Jurčku (for parking we ask at mentioned farm).
C) From Ljubljana ring road we go to the exit Ljubljana - Podutik, and then we continue driving in the direction of Podutik. At the traffic light near the parish church in Podutik we continue straight, and then we gradually start ascending towards the saddle Preval. After the saddle we start descending towards Stranska vas, where at the first crossroad we continue on the main road and we drive over a bridge. At the next crossroad, in the middle of the village (there, where the road for some time narrows) left on a side road. Next follows few 100 meters of driving, and then we go slightly left in the direction of A. Škulj and open door farm Pri Jurčku. 50 meters ahead we go again left and then we drive to a smaller parking lot, which is situated above open door farm Pri Jurčku (for parking we ask at mentioned farm).
Path description:
From the marked parking lot, we continue on a cart track which ascends over partly grassy slope. Only a little above the nearby pastures we cross other asphalt road, and behind it on a cart track we get into a lane of a forest. When we step into the forest, we go right and in few steps we step out of the forest, by the edge of a larger meadow. Few minutes we are ascending by the edge of a panoramic meadow, from which a nice view opens up, which reaches all the way to Krim and even further. At the end of the meadow we again step into a lane of a forest and then we continue straight (right hunting cottage Lovska koča na Klobuku - path, which bypasses the peak), on the path which ascends on at first a little steeper grassy slope. The path quickly flattens and brings us on a panoramic peak.
From the top, we continue straight, we return into the forest, and after few 10 strides of additional walking, we get to the hunting cottage Na Klobuku.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in the year 2015 (November).
On the way: Klobuk (441m)
Trip can be extended to: Klobuk pri Ljubljani
Stranska vas (Pri Jurčku) - Koča Klobuk1
Stranska vas (Pri Jurčku) - Koča Klobuk2
Stranska vas (Pri Jurčku) - Koča Klobuk3
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Stranska vas (Pri Jurčku) - Koča Klobuk7
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Stranska vas (Pri Jurčku) - Koča Klobuk11
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Stranska vas (Pri Jurčku) - Koča Klobuk17
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Stranska vas (Pri Jurčku) - Koča Klobuk19
Stranska vas (Pri Jurčku) - Koča Klobuk20
Stranska vas (Pri Jurčku) - Koča Klobuk21
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