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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Quadiaalm / Tallach - Quadiaalm (via Kaltwasser)

Tallach - Quadiaalm (via Kaltwasser)

Starting point: Tallach (540 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.5324°N 14.0649°E 
Destination: Quadiaalm (1271 m)
Path name: via Kaltwasser
Time of walking: 2 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 731 m
Altitude difference (by path): 750 m
Map: Karavanke 1:50.000 - osrednji del
Views: 328
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 38
Access to starting point:
A) Through the Karawanks Tunnel, we drive to Austria, and then we leave the highway on first exit. When we reach the main road we go left in the direction of the settlement Šentjakob v Rožu / St. Jakob im Rosental. Further, we drive on the road Rosentalstraße, and after the settlement Šentjakob v Rožu we cross also the stream Rosenbach. A little after the bridge we leave the main road and we continue driving right into settlement Tale / Tallach. Next follows driving through the settlement, and when at Pension Lindenhof we reach another road, we only cross it, and then we park on a parking lot behind the chapel.
B) Over the border crossing Ljubelj we drive to Austria and follow the main road towards Celovec / Klagenfurt. When we already get into a valley, at the second roundabout, which is situated on the right bank river Drau, we turn on exit Bistrica v Rožu / Feistritz im Rosental, and then we drive on the main road to the settlement Podgorje / Maria Elend. After the mentioned settlement we turn left towards Podrožca / Rosenbach. Further, the road brings us into settlement Tale / Tallach, where before Pension Lindenhof we turn left and then we park on a parking lot by the chapel.
Path description:
From the starting point, we continue in the direction of the mountain pasture Kladje / Quadiaalm, Golica / Kahlkogel and chapels Maria Elend / Bergkapellen Maria Elend. The road which is closed for public traffic soon leads through the underpass under the railway track, and then we already get to the first crossing, where we continue right in the direction of Golica (straight chapel). A quite gentle road, by which we notice a notification, that we are entering the bear area, then over a bridge it crosses Radischgraben, after few additional minutes of walking, we get to the next crossing, where we go left (straight Podrožca / Rosenbach). From the crossing, we few more minutes walk on the road, and then we higher leave it at the left turn, because signs for path 675 point us slightly right on a cart track. We ascend on a cart track which quickly ends, and we continue the ascent through an overgrown meadow. Higher, we reach another cart track which short time still leads on overgrown part, and then the path passes into the forest and continues diagonally towards the right. After a shorter traversing, we reach another cart track, and from there we go few steps higher right. Next follows a shorter crossing, and then we join the path from Podrožca.
We continue in the direction of Golica and nearby source, to which we get to after approximately 5 minutes of additional walking.
From the source, by which there are situated areligious symbol and a bench, we continue on a path, which at first leads through a small valley, and from there the path soon turns sharply left and for some time steeply ascends. A few minutes of ascent through the forest follows, and then the path quickly widens into a macadam road, on which we are then short time ascending. Higher, we leave the road, then a little ahead we once again cross it, and then we continue there. When a little ahead forest gets thinner a nice view opens up towards Golica, and a little ahead we also cross a grazing fence. From the crossing of the fence follows few more minutes of walking on the road and we already get to the mountain pasture Kladje.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in the year 2017 (June).
On the way: Hladna voda / Kaltwasser (915m)
Trip can be extended to: Kahlkogel/Golica (1 h 35 min)
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