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Mountain ranges / Goriško, Notranjsko and Snežniško hribovje / Koča na Kamnem griču / Uglov laz - Koča na Kamnem griču (via Dom na Travni Gori)

Uglov laz - Koča na Kamnem griču (via Dom na Travni Gori)

Starting point: Uglov laz (856 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.7471°N 14.6061°E 
Path name: via Dom na Travni Gori
Time of walking: 2 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 160 m
Altitude difference (by path): 335 m
Views: 1,621
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 45
Access to starting point:
A) From the road Ljubljana - Kočevje, at settlement Žlebič we turn right (from the direction Kočevje left) in the direction of Sodražica, from Sodražica we continue driving in the direction of Loški Potok. After a little less than 5 km of ascent from Sodražica we get to a crossroad, where a macadam road towards Travna Gora branches off to the left. Here we turn left and then we park on an appropriate place by the road, best on some wider passing place.
B) From plateau Bloška planota we drive to the settlement Ravne na Blokah, and then we drive through settlements Kračali and Janeži. Settlement Križeti we bypass on the left side, and then we already join main road which runs from Sodražica towards Hrib - Loški Potok. We follow the road to the right, after that only a little further on first crossroad we continue left in the direction of Travna Gora. We park on an appropriate place by the road, best on some wider passing place.
C) From Mali Log, Retje, or Hrib - Loški Potok we drive towards Sodražica. When after few kilometers we get to the spot, where we notice signs for Travna Gora, we continue right and then we park on an appropriate place by the road, best on some wider passing place.
Path description:
From the crossroad, the road short time runs through a meadow, and then passes into the forest and is gradually ascending. Higher, the road flattens and brings us out of the forest, where we bypass shooting range on the right side. The road continues with some shorter ascents and descents, and leads partly through the forest, and partly through karst meadows. After we bypass Pšeničev vrh on the right side, the road starts steeply descending, and on the right turn from the left joins also a marked path from Sodražica. From the turn we continue the descent, from the road already after few meters worse road branches off to the right, which leads towards Ravni dol.
We continue on the main wider road which stops descending, and then in few minutes brings us to a sign which marks the beginning of the settlement Travna Gora. Here the road leads among pastures, and at the crossroad, we continue on the right road (straight settlement Travna Gora). The path ahead leads us past some holiday cottages, and then it ascends to the next crossroad, where we continue right again in the direction of the mountain hut Dom na Travni Gori. Next follows few minutes of walking on the road, and then we get to a crossroad, which is located directly above the mountain hut Dom na Travni Gori. Here we continue straight and through a meadow in a minute of additional walking, we descend to the mentioned mountain hut.
From the mountain hut, we return to the road and we continue left (from the direction of arrival is this right road) on a macadam road which continues without large changes in altitude. The path ahead leads us past signposts, and from here we walk on the road for approximately 500 meters or to the spot, where blazes on some sort of the parking lot point us to the right. After few meters of walking, at the spot where the path passes into the forest we also notice signposts for mountain hut Koča na Kamnem griču.
The path ahead is at first ascending on gentle and usually quite muddy cart track which already after few minutes steeply ascends. When the steepness decreases we come on badly marked crossing, where we continue right. We continue walking on wider, but poorly marked cart track which after a short descent changes into a macadam road, and it quickly brings us to the next crossing. We continue left, on a worse macadam road in the direction of Kamni grič. On smaller turning point the road changes into a cart track, and here we continue straight (badly marked) on a pleasant cart track which out of the forest brings us on pleasant grassy slopes. On the other side of the meadow, we get to a marked crossing, where we continue right in the direction of the mountain hut, to which we have 5 more minutes of ascent on a moderately steep cart track which is ascending over earlier mentioned meadow.
The starting point - Dom na Travni Gori 1:10, Dom na Travni Gori - Koča na Kamnem griču 50 minutes.
On the way: Travna Gora (880m), Dom na Travni Gori mountain hut (906m)
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