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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Ramšakov vrh / Vinska Gora - Ramšakov vrh (climbing way)

Vinska Gora - Ramšakov vrh (climbing way)

Starting point: Vinska Gora (450 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3485°N 15.1731°E 
Path name: climbing way
Time of walking: 2 h
Difficulty: extremely difficult marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 520 m
Altitude difference (by path): 570 m
Views: 6,832
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 79
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Maribor we go to the exit Žalec, and then we continue driving towards Velenje. Still before Velenje, we leave the main road, because signs for Vinska Gora point us to the right on a local road, and already after few meters it brings us to the next crossroad. Here we continue left in the direction of the church of St. John the Baptist, we follow the ascending road to the parking lot, by the already mentioned church.
Path description:
From the parking lot at the church, we continue on the asphalt road and at the crossroad, we continue left. After few ten meters, blazes point us to the left upwards on a narrower road. Later, the road slightly descends, and then we soon continue right into the forest. Next follows traversing on a narrow footpath through the forest, which quickly brings us to a crossing below Gonžarjeva peč. Left leads easy path on Gonžarjeva peč, and we continue right where there is the beginning of a secured climbing path.
Climbing path is made the same way as climbing paths abroad and it is the first so demanding path in Slovenia. By Austrian scale, which is most often used for grading difficulty of such climbing paths is graded with difficulty level D/E.
At the entrance into a climbing part of the path, we must equip ourselves with a self-belay set and a helmet, the use of climbing gloves is also recommended.
At the beginning of the climbing part path very steeply ascends by the steel cable and we are quickly before the most difficult part of the path. Here the path leads over smooth vertical plates, where there are very little natural holds so we need a lot of strength in arms.
After that, the path becomes a little less demanding and by a little easier climbing, we soon reach the inscription box, which is situated by the path. From here follows the final very steep ascent, which is graded with difficulty level D. On the top we are then rewarded by a nice view towards Vinska Gora and surrounding hills.
From the vantage point, we continue through the forest by the fence upwards. After a short ascent, we come out of the forest on pastures from where a view opens up on Radojč and neighbouring Ramšakov vrh. From pastures, the path brings us on the road on which we continue right to the farm Gonžar.
At the crossroad at the farm, we continue left on the macadam road and we are quickly again at the crossing. Right leads Šalek mountain trail, and we still continue on the road. At the next crossroad, we continue slightly left and the path brings us to one more mountain farm. Here the path turns sharply right and starts ascending through the forest. Later, the path joins the cart track which brings us to a clearing.
Here the path turns right and again starts ascending a little steeper. We soon come on a forested ridge, where we continue right and follows only a shorter ascent to the top of Radojč.
From the top, we continue on the ridge and start descending a little. The path brings us to a crossing on the northern side of the ridge, where we continue right upwards towards the ridge. On the ridge, we then continue left and after few shorter ascents and descents we reach Ramšakov vrh.
On the way: Gonžarjeva peč (575m), Radojč (937m)
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