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Zagrad - Mala Plešivica

Starting point: Zagrad (800 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.5043°N 14.0511°E 
Time of walking: 1 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way, easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: partly demanding
Altitude difference: 153 m
Altitude difference (by path): 225 m
Map: Slovenska Istra - Čičarija, Brkini in Kras 1:50.000
Views: 3,919
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 15
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Koper we go to the exit Kozina and follow a road ahead in the direction of Reka. In the village Obrov we turn right in the direction of village Golac from which we continue driving towards the hamlet Zagrad. In Zagrad (not at the crossroad 30m before) we continue right (left Ostrič) and then after a few meters left on the upper road by which there is a sign forest road use at your own risk (right road joins the road which runs towards Velika vrata). This at first very rough road we follow to a larger clearing, which is a starting point for our tour (on a clearing the road changes into a cart track).
Path description:
From the starting point, we go on a clearing on which we in a gentle ascent ascend on its upper part. Here on the right side we notice a cart track (there are several cart tracks, but higher they all join), which goes into the forest and starts moderately ascending on the left side of a bigger sinkhole. After approximately 15 minutes of ascent on a cart track we come on a marked path which leads from Razsušica towards Plešivica.
We follow the marked path to the right (left Razsušica, Medvižica and Ostrič) and there we at first moderately ascend through a dense forest. Occasionally poorly visible path then starts descending steeper and after few minutes of descent brings us to the spot, where unmarked cart track joins from the valley. We continue in the direction of Slavnik (caption on rock) on the path which with few shorter ascents and descents brings us to the end of the forest road which comes from the saddle Velika vrata).
We quickly leave the mentioned road, because blazes point us to the left on a marked cart track which ascends through a lane of a forest. After few 10 meters of ascent cart track turns left, and we continue straight on a little poorly visible, but marked path, which is ascending through a thinner forest. Forest is quickly replaed by bushes (mainly juniper) and the path with increasingly beautiful views quickly brings us to the summit of Mala Plešivica.
Trip can be extended to: Velika Plešivica ( 45 min)
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