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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Mučevo Gorge / Žerjav - Mučevo Gorge (Ferata Mučevo - blue path)

Žerjav - Mučevo Gorge (Ferata Mučevo - blue path)

Starting point: Žerjav (530 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.49021°N 14.87166°E 
Path name: Ferata Mučevo - blue path
Time of walking: 55 min
Difficulty: very difficult marked way
Ferrata: B/C
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 160 m
Altitude difference (by path): 160 m
Map: Koroška 1:50.000
Views: 1,240
Trip rating: 4 votes
Number of pictures: 43
Access to starting point:
A) We drive to Mežica, and then we continue driving in the direction of Črna na Koroškem. A little before the settlement Žerjav at the road sign 8km we will on the right side of the road notice a larger macadam parking lot where we park.
B) From Šoštanj over mountain pass Sleme (mountain pass near of which there is a mountain hut Andrejev dom na Slemenu) we drive to Črna na Koroškem, where at the roundabout we take the exit in the direction of Mežica. A little after the end of the settlement Žerjav we will on the left side of the road notice a larger macadam parking lot where we park.
C) From Solčava over mountain pass Spodnje Sleme we drive to Črna na Koroškem, where at the roundabout we take the exit in the direction of Mežica. A little after the end of the settlement Žerjav we will on the left side of the road notice a larger macadam parking lot where we park.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we at first carefully cross the main road, and then we continue on a sidewalk by the retaining wall in the direction of Mežica. By the main road we walk approximately 200 meters and then we on the right side notice an information board and footpath which leads towards the secured climbing path Ferata Mučevo.
We go on the mentioned footpath which quickly brings us to a marked crossing where we go right over a small bridge where signs point us to the easier variant of the climbing path (marked with blue color). And to the left leads the harder variant marked with red color.
From the crossing, we start ascending a little steeper, and the path then soon turns to the left and it brings us to the entrance into the secured part of the path.
In the initial part the secured path steeply ascends by the steel cable, and at the ascent, we also get help from few stemples. Next follows slightly less steep ascent on a partly grassy slope from where a beautiful view opens up towards the narrow gorge Mučevo where runs the harder variant of the secured path. The path further runs on a steep ridge above the gorge and because on the path, there are also some stones we need to be careful, not to trigger it. We continue ascending on a secured ridge and higher from the left joins also a footpath which bypasses the demanding ascent on harder variant of the path. Here follows a shorter steep ascent where we get help from quite a few stemples and the path brings us to the inscription box where our path joins the harder red path.
From the inscription box follows crossing of a little longer bridge and then also a shorter less demanding ascent on the ridge. The secured path then ends and the path brings us into the forest where by the path there is also a bench.
Further, the path starts descending and a little before the cart track we will get to a crossing where signs point us to the right downwards on a narrow footpath. The mentioned footpath is often muddy and it can be very slippery. Mainly in the upper part we also get help from a rope. This path we then follow into the valley all the way to the parking lot.
Described secured climbing path is graded with difficulty level B/C.
To the entrance into a climbing part there is approximately 10 minutes of walking. The estimated climbing time is 45min, and for a descent 20 minutes.
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