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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Boč / Zgornje Poljčane - Boč (via Baba)

Zgornje Poljčane - Boč (via Baba)

Starting point: Zgornje Poljčane (360 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.2971°N 15.5834°E 
Destination: Boč (978 m)
Path name: via Baba
Time of walking: 1 h 45 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: partly demanding
Altitude difference: 618 m
Altitude difference (by path): 618 m
Map: Posavsko hribovje (Boč - Bohor) 1:50.000
Views: 99,292
Trip rating: 8 votes
Number of pictures: 19
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Maribor we go to the exit Slovenske Konjice and Poljčane. In the first crossroad from the spot, when we left the highway, we continue left in the direction of Poljčane (right Slovenske Konjice). The road then runs through Draža vas, Žiče and Loče. In the village Loče we come to a roundabout, where we continue "straight" in the direction of Poljčane (exit from the roundabout isn't marked). A little further, the road brings us on a bigger crossroad, where we continue right in the direction of Zgornje Poljčane (left Poljčane). We follow this road to the village, where the road sign for Boč points left upwards. Further, we drive to first signposts by which there is a parking lot on which we park.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we continue right on the path in the direction of the mountain hut Dom na Boču over Babe. The path which runs through the forest already starts relatively steeply ascending and after approximately 15 minutes of ascent crosses a road. The steepness of the path after additional few minutes of ascent decreases. Next follows a shorter crossing of the slopes on a wide path, and then the path for a short time moderately ascends. A little higher, the path brings us on a wide cart track which we follow to the right and then we soon leave it. Further, blazes point us to the left upwards. After an initial steep meters from the spot, when we left the cart track the path is barely ascending to the spot, when it brings us on the road. Further, follows 5 minute walk on the road that runs in the middle of a large meadow to the mountain hut, which is situated on the other side of extensive meadow.
From the hut, we continue straight on the path in the direction of Boč. The path at first crosses the meadow and then goes into the forest, where soon brings us on a cart track, where we have two options to continue, which are approximately equally long. We continue right in the direction of the path Senčna pot. After few steps of easy walking on a cart track a marked footpath branches off to the left upwards, that in some parts starts relatively steeply ascending (straight cart track brings us on the road).
The path which all the way to the top runs through the forest after 45 minutes of walking from the mountain hut brings us on Boč. Here ascent doesn't end yet. We notice in front of us 20m high lookout tower on which we ascend on steep stairs. Ascent to the top of the tower rewards us with a nice view.
On the way: Dom na Boču mountain hut (698m)
Zgornje Poljčane - Boč1
Zgornje Poljčane - Boč2
Zgornje Poljčane - Boč3
Zgornje Poljčane - Boč4
Zgornje Poljčane - Boč5
Zgornje Poljčane - Boč6
Zgornje Poljčane - Boč7
Zgornje Poljčane - Boč8
Zgornje Poljčane - Boč9
Zgornje Poljčane - Boč10
Zgornje Poljčane - Boč11
Zgornje Poljčane - Boč12
Zgornje Poljčane - Boč13
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Zgornje Poljčane - Boč15
Zgornje Poljčane - Boč16
Zgornje Poljčane - Boč17
Zgornje Poljčane - Boč18
Zgornje Poljčane - Boč19
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