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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Sveta Katarina na Homu

Sveta Katarina na Homu

Country: Slovenia
Mountain range: Julian Alps
Elevation: 634 m / 2080 ft
Type: church
Weather forecast:
Views: 9,701
Popularity: 41% (2068th place)
Number of pictures: 4
Number of paths: 2
Number of GPS tracks: 0
Description of church:
Sveta Katarina is a viewpoint above the village Zasip (at Bled) with a church from early 17th century, and a bigger parking lot and catering facility.
It's located on the south, sunny side slope of 834 meters high hill Hom and represents one the most typical images of the mentioned settlement.
From Sveta Katarina, where we also run into some benches, a nice view opens up, which reaches all from the nearby Karawanks with Stol and Begunjščica, and Kamnik Alps on north-east, over wide Ljubljana basin in the middle, all the way to Jelovica, Pokljuka and nearby Bled with old castle, and Julian Alps on south-west. Poet France Prešeren named this settlement "altar of Gorenjska", because from here we can really enjoy in wonderful view, which is opening up in front of our eyes.
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Sveta Katarina na Homu Sveta Katarina na Homu Sveta Katarina na Homu Sveta Katarina na Homu
Blejska Dobrava (cemetery) - Sveta Katarina na Homu 50 mineasy unmarked way
Podhom - Sveta Katarina na Homu 45 mineasy unmarked way
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