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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Kanjavec / Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec

Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec

Starting point: Aljažev dom v Vratih (1015 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.4128°N 13.8466°E 
Destination: Kanjavec (2569 m)
Time of walking: 7 h 10 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 1554 m
Altitude difference (by path): 1930 m
Map: TNP 1:50.000
Views: 2,480
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 89
Access to starting point:
We drive into Mojstrana, and then we follow the signs for valley Vrata. At first still asphalt, further mostly macadam road, after approximately 12 km from a center of Mojstrana brings us to a large parking lot in the valley Vrata. During the summer season parking fee has to be paid.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we continue on for public traffic closed macadam road, on which past the mountain hut Šlajmerjev dom we quickly get to the mountain hut Aljažev dom v Vratih.
Mountain hut Aljažev dom we bypass on the right side and we continue straight in the direction of Triglav, Sovatna, Luknja (right Škrlatica, bivouac Bivak na Rušju...). We continue on a rough macadam road which past winter room brings us to a marked crossing by the famous wedge (monument to fallen partisans mountaineers).
We again continue straight (left Tominšek route) and gently sloping path leads with nice views on Triglav and Triglav northern wall. When after few minutes of additional walking, we get to beech forest, the path over Sovatna branches off to the right, and we continue straight in the direction of Luknja and Triglav - Čez Prag route. Next follows a short ascent on a cart track, and then blazes point us to the left, on a path, which gets close to a riverbed of Triglavska Bistrica. Here the path leads past a memorial to those who died in the mountains, and a little ahead we get to the next marked crossing.
Left, through the stream continues route Čez Prag, and we continue straight, on the path which gradually starts considerably ascending. The path towards Luknja further is for some time moderately ascending, higher becomes steeper and more panoramic. A bit higher path leads through a lane of bushes and a thin forest, where the footpath towards the nearby bivouac branches off to the right, and we continue on a wider path, which a little ahead brings us out of the lane of a forest. Further, the path becomes even a little steeper, and gradually brings us on the scree below Luknja. The path through the scree is quite slippery, when we get to the foot of the walls, we get also help from steel cables (in dry undemanding, they come in handy mainly on the descent). For a short time, we are steeply ascending just by the wall, and then the path turns a little to the right and a bit higher brings us to a crossing on the saddle Luknja, from where a nice view opens up on mountains above Zadnjica.
From Luknja we continue straight downwards (left Triglav over Plemenice (Bamberg route), right Bovški Gamsovec and pathless approach on Pihavec) and start descending on an old mule track. At first the path leads us through a smaller rockfall, where some caution is needed because of possibility of falling stones. Next follows a descent above steep Korita, we descend on a wide path, because the old mule track in spite of the steepness is still relatively well preserved. After approximately 40 minutes of descent, where we lose more than 300 altitude meters, we get to a marked crossing.
From the crossing, we continue slightly left in the direction of Dolič (slightly right Zadnjica) and again start ascending. Further, we are mostly moderately ascending on a mule track, which leads us over a steep and occasionally also exposed precipitous slopes. Since the path is wide and nicely routed technically isn't demanding, but it is exposed to falling stones and because of occasional deep views mostly isn't appropriate for those who are vertiginous. The path occasionally makes few hairpin turns, otherwise it is for most of the time ascending diagonally towards the right, so that we are getting closer to the mighty wall of Kanjavec.
Higher from the right joins also the climbing path from Zadnjica over Komar, and a little further, the path Pot Mire Marko Debelakove branches off to the right (path over Kanjavčeve police). The path with increasingly beautiful view higher makes few hairpin turns, and from there also the path towards Triglav branches off to the left.
We continue straight and then we quickly get to the mountain hut Koča na Doliču.
From the mountain hut, we continue right towards the west in the direction of Kanjavec, where we at first descend a little. When a short descent ends we start ascending on slopes of Kanjavec. Nicely routed rocky path, then after approximately one hour of walking from Koča na Doliču brings us to technically difficult part of the path, where with the help of fixed safety gear we ascend over a rocky jump. Part of the ascent is relatively difficult, because short part of the path is very steep. Above the jump, the path flattens and only a little further with nice views on Triglav and surrounding mountains brings us on a panoramic peak Kanjavec.
Vrata - Luknja 2:30, Luknja - Koča na Doliču 3:10, Koča na Doliču - Kanjavec 1:30.
On the way: Luknja (1758m), Koča na Doliču (2151m)
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec1
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec2
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec3
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec4
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec5
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec6
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec7
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec8
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec9
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec10
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec11
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec12
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec13
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec14
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec15
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec16
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec17
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec18
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec19
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Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec21
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec22
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Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec33
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Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec36
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec37
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec38
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec39
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec40
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec41
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec42
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec43
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec44
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec45
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec46
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec47
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec48
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec49
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec50
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec51
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Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec53
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Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec61
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec62
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec63
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec64
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec65
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec66
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec67
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec68
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec69
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec70
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec71
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec72
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec73
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec74
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec75
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec76
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec77
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec78
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec79
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec80
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec81
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec82
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec83
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec84
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec85
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec86
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec87
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec88
Aljažev dom v Vratih - Kanjavec89
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