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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Dom na Uršlji gori / Andrejev dom na Slemenu - Dom na Uršlji gori

Andrejev dom na Slemenu - Dom na Uršlji gori

Starting point: Andrejev dom na Slemenu (1086 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.4382°N 14.9647°E 
Time of walking: 2 h 35 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 594 m
Altitude difference (by path): 705 m
Map: Koroška 1:50.000
Views: 3,600
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 63
Access to starting point:
A) First, we drive to Šoštanj (to here from Velenje or valley of Savinjska dolina), and then we continue driving towards Črna na Koroškem. Further, the road starts ascending towards the mountain pass Spodnje Sleme (1081 meters), which after few kilometers of winding road we also reach. We can park already on an appropriate place by the mountain pass, otherwise on the mountain pass, we turn left and we drive for few 100 meters to the parking lot at the mountain hut Andrejev dom na Slemenu.
B) First, we drive to Črna na Koroškem, and from there we continue driving towards Šoštanj and Velenje. Further, the road starts ascending towards the mountain pass Spodnje Sleme (1081 meters), which after few kilometers of winding road we also reach. We can park already on an appropriate place by mountain pass, otherwise on the mountain pass, we turn right and we drive for few 100 meters to the parking lot at the mountain hut Andrejev dom na Slemenu.
Path description:
From Andrejev dom na Slemenu we return to mountain pass Spodnje Sleme, and from there we continue in the direction of Naravske ledine, Uršlja gora and church of St. Vid. A short time we continue on the main road towards Črna na Koroškem, after that marked cart track branches off slightly to the right (turn-off isn't specifically marked), which continues parallel with the main road. Through the forest, we walk for a minute or two, and then we step on a larger clearing, where on the right side we notice the church of St. Vid, to which we have only few steps of ascent.
From the church, we walk to the nearby macadam road and there we continue past a smaller cottage, which we bypass on the right side. Only few steps ahead road passes into the forest, through which continues without large changes in altitude. A little further from the memorial, which we notice on the right side on a nearby tree, we get to a smaller crossroad, where the road branches off to the left towards the homestead Robnik, to the right leads the road towards Zgornji Razbor and Slovenj Gradec, and we continue straight in the direction of Javorje. Wider macadam road a little after that comes out of the forest, where we get to a marked crossroad at the information boards and religious symbol (starting point Ciganija).
Before the cross we turn right on a little worse macadam road (slightly left Javorje and Črna na Koroškem), which returns into the forest. The path towards Uršlja gora still leads on a macadam road, and in crossing it brings us to a smaller saddle west from Kotnikov vrh (1220 meters). After the saddle, where for some time we step out of the forest and by which there is a smaller holiday cottage, the road starts considerably descending, and in doing so leads us past two smaller crossroads. At first crossroad we can a little from the path notice a memorial plaque, and at the second there is a religious symbol. Both times we continue on a marked road, from which for some time a nice view opens up towards the queen of Koroška - Peca, and a little further it brings us to a crossing at Križan (to here it is possible also with a car, namely from the direction Sleme, Črna na Koroškem or Podgorje).
From Križan, which is situated at an altitude 1040 meters we continue on a marked path in the direction of Uršlja gora (left mountain Koča na Naravskih ledinah 1:15 and mountain hut Krivec 300 meters). The path ahead goes immediately in the forest and starts ascending steeper. Higher the footpath flattens a little and over a grazing fence brings us on a larger meadow or pasture, through which we continue straight upwards. With nice views on the mountain chain of Smrekovec, Raduha, Olševa and if we look back on the valley Šaleška dolina and surrounding hills, we quickly get to the upper part of the pasture, where there is a trough with water, chapel and a decaying homestead Šišernik.
Above the homestead, we 2 times cross the road (first leads towards the homestead Vernšek, second towards the summit Uršlja gora, and in the other direction both towards Naravske ledine), and then at the bench we continue through the forest on a relatively steep, partly cart track path. After a shorter steep ascent, the cart track, on which continues the winter path turns to the right, and we continue slightly left on a marked and well-beaten mountain path. Further for quite some time, we are steeply ascending on the southern slopes of Uršlja gora, and then the path gradually turns a little to the right, where it is for some time still mostly ascending diagonally towards the right. Higher for few steps we step on the mountain road which leads towards the summit, but we soon leave it because blazes lead right on a moderately steep footpath which few minutes higher joins also the path from Poštarski dom on Plešivec and the path from the lake Ivarčko jezero.
We continue on still well-beaten and relatively wide path, which gradually brings us out of the forest, where by the path, we notice one more of numerous chapels on our path. Next follows an easy ascent on a grassy slope to the edge of a partly exposed ridge (only the ridge is exposed, but not the marked path), from where a nice view opens up towards the north. From here we walk a minute or two and we are already at the church of St. Uršula and at the mountain hut Dom na Uršlji gori.
On the way: Sveti Vid pod Jernejevim vrhom (1075m), Križan (1040m), Šišernik (1259m)
Trip can be extended to: Uršlja gora (Plešivec) ( 10 min)
Andrejev dom na Slemenu - Dom na Uršlji gori1
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