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Mountain ranges / Mountains eastern from Mur / Sveta Ana pri Igu / Sankt Anna am Aigen / border crossing Sotina - Sveta Ana pri Igu / Sankt Anna am Aigen

border crossing Sotina - Sveta Ana pri Igu / Sankt Anna am Aigen

Starting point: border crossing Sotina (248 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.8371°N 16.02005°E 
Time of walking: 1 h 50 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 155 m
Altitude difference (by path): 250 m
Map: Pomurje 1:40.000
Views: 122
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 49
Access to starting point:
A) We drive to Gederovci (to here from Radenci or Murska Sobota) and we continue driving in the direction of Kuzma. Immediately, when we get to the settlement Sotina we turn left in the direction of Sotinski breg and Austria, and at the next crossroad, we go straight in the direction of Austria. Sotina soon ends, and we drive also past the quarry, and then we already get to the border crossing Sotina, in front of which we park on an appropriate place.
B) We drive into Kuzma (to here from the settlement Grad, Mačkovci or Petrovci), and then we continue driving towards Sotina and Austria. When Kuzma ends follows a relatively short ascent, and then a descent, where at the crossroad with the priority road we continue left (right - Austria and border crossing Kuzma). Further, we quickly get to Sotina, and we continue to the end of the settlement, where we go right in the direction of Sotinski breg and Austria, and at the next crossroad, we go straight in the direction of Austria. Sotina soon ends, and we drive also past the quarry, and then we already get to the border crossing Sotina, in front of which we park on an appropriate place.
Path description:
From the border crossing we return on the road few 10 strides, and then signs for Pomurje mountain trail point us to the right, where in few steps we descend to a small bridge over the river Ledava. On the other side of the river we short time continue on more swampy terrain, and then the path passes into the forest and starts ascending on a slope, where at few crossings we follow the blazes. When we higher leave the forest we reach the cart track which we follow to the right, and when we return into the forest the marked path on Serdiški breg from the cart track points us left, and we continue straight on an unmarked cart track. The cart track few minutes crosses slopes of Serdiški breg, and then we reach the saddle between Serdiški breg and Kefašev breg / Rotterberg, where there is a crossing of multiple paths. Here past a smaller green cottage we reach the national border between Slovenia and Austria, by which we then continue between the fields, and the house by the edge of the forest we bypass on the left side. Further, we on the left side bypass Kefašev breg, and the path then starts descending and for some time passes entirely on the Austrian side. After few minutes, we return to the national border, and there we continue to the border stone of Maria Theresa, which is situated above a smaller saddle, which we reach when we leave the forest.
From the border stone we continue towards the north-northwest, where after a short ascent, we reach an asphalt road which leads us past few houses of the settlement Sichauf. At the nearby crossroad, we go left in the direction of Sveta Ana / St. Anna, where after few steps the asphalt ends, and then we are descending on a cart track. At the smaller crossing, we choose the left, wider cart track which lower brings us into a small valley, where on the left there is a pond. Here we short time still continue near the national border with Slovenia, and then we reach a hamlet of individual houses, where the path which again becomes asphalted turns right and starts going away from the national border. Next follows a relatively short ascent through the forest, near the peak Schirrenkogel, the road flattens, and then at few smaller crossroads we follow rare Austrian blazes.
When near the school and kindergarten we reach the main road which leads through the settlement Sveta Ana pri Igu / Sankt Anna am Aigen we go left, after that at the pedestrian crossing we carefully cross the road and we continue on a sidewalk in the direction towards the south. When after a shorter gentle descent we reach a bigger chapel we go on a slightly right road, by which we then continue through the settlement on a little narrower road. Higher, we get to a panoramic platform, from which a beautiful view opens up, and a little further we get to the church of St. Ana.
The starting point - border stone of Maria Theresa 1:00, border stone of Maria Theresa - Sveta Ana 0:50.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in January 2023.
On the way: Border stone of Maria Theresa (Tromejnik) (343m)
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