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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Klatnica / Breginj - Klatnica

Breginj - Klatnica

Starting point: Breginj (550 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.262°N 13.4259°E 
Destination: Klatnica (1000 m)
Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 450 m
Altitude difference (by path): 450 m
Map: Julijske Alpe - zahodni del 1:50.000
Author: igor b.
Views: 2,921
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 1
Access to starting point:
First, we drive to the center of Kobarid, and then we continue driving towards the border crossing Robič. Near the village Staro selo, we leave the main road which runs towards the border crossing Robič and we continue driving right in the direction of Breginj. Further, we follow a mainly ascending road to Breginj, where we park on a parking lot near the church.
Path description:
From the parking lot in Breginj we continue on the asphalt road to the right in the direction of Stol and Muzec. The road at first ascends through the village, at the crossroads we follow it in an already known direction. Higher, the road loses an asphalt covering and past old renovated sawmill (Patrinova žaga) brings us to a marked crossroad, where we continue slightly right (left church of Marija Snežna). The road which continues to moderately ascend, soon brings us to a marked crossing, where a marked footpath on Muzec (Musc) branches off to the left. We go on the mentioned path, which is further moderately ascending through the forest. Further, the path brings us to a smaller well (source with a drinking water - Čadonov studenček), and then turns a little to the left and starts ascending steeper. Higher, the path flattens and it brings us to a smaller crossing, where we continue right (straight Plazi). The path ahead again starts ascending steeper through the forest and then it brings us on a sharp and crumbly ridge - Prekopa. On the mentioned ridge leads an exposed footpath, over which in few minutes we pass into a lane of a forest. When we step out of the forest, the path brings us on grassy slopes, where in few minutes of additional walking, we get to a marked crossing.
We continue right (left Musc). This path brings us to a stunning natural source below an overhang rocky wall. In Klatnica we can drink cold, clean spring water immediately when it surges out.
Breginj - Klatnica1
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