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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Brezovec / Dobrič (Vedet) - Brezovec

Dobrič (Vedet) - Brezovec

Starting point: Dobrič (Vedet) (485 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3416°N 15.0575°E 
Destination: Brezovec (617 m)
Time of walking: 25 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 132 m
Altitude difference (by path): 132 m
Views: 2,314
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 17
Access to starting point:
A) From highway Ljubljana - Maribor we go to the exit Šentrupert, and then we continue driving in the direction Mozirje and valley Logarska dolina. In Letuš, immediately after the bridge over the river Savinja, we leave the main road and we continue driving right in the direction of Velenje and Šmartno ob Paki. After the bridge over the river Paka we get to the next, where we continue slightly right on a narrower road in the direction of Polzela. Towards Polzela we drive to a railway track, after that immediately behind it we continue left. A little narrower road gradually passes into a valley of Hudi potok, where it starts ascending steeper. When higher road leaves the gorge, it flattens and it brings us to two successive crossroads, where a road towards Dobrič branches off to the right (turn-off isn't marked, at the second turn-off, on the nearby residential houses we notice the blazes).
B) First, we drive to Velenje, and from there we continue driving towards Šoštanj. Through Velenje we drive on the road Partizanska cesta, but only to a roundabout near the store Hofer. From the roundabout we go on the third exit (if there wouldn't be roundabout we would turn left) and we continue driving on the road Pokopališka cesta, which leads towards the cemetery Podkraj. Only few meters before the sign, which marks the beginning of the settlement Podgorje we leave the main road and we continue driving left (turn-off isn't marked, on power pole we notice only sign with the caption Daewoo motor bike) on a little narrower road which leads us towards the dispersed settlement Veliki Vrh. The road further leads past individual houses, and we follow it to the homestead Vedet, where we notice the blazes and turn-off of the road to the left, which leads towards Dobrič and Gora Oljka.
Path description:
Both roads after few 10 strides join into one, and it brings us to the spot, where by the path, we notice a caption, that we are welcome in Dobrič. From the road soon marked path on the nearby Brezovec 617 meters branches off to the right (on signs we notice only signs for paths Martinova and Andraška pot), and in the direction of straight continues on Gora Oljka (path past Rogeljšek).
On the mentioned crossing we leave the road and we start ascending on a forest path, which after a shorter ascent joins the cart track which we follow to the left. On the cart track path leads past some fallen trees, after that cart track changes into a little steeper footpath, on which in few minutes we ascend on a smaller saddle. On the saddle, we continue left on a well-beaten path, which a little ahead widens into forested cart track. On the cart track, we walk very short time, and then we continue slightly right (cart track on left bypasses the peak Brezovec) on at first a poorly visible footpath which in a minute or two of additional walking brings us on Brezovec.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in the year 2014 (August).
Trip can be extended to: Gora Oljka ( 25 min)
Dobrič (Vedet) - Brezovec1
Dobrič (Vedet) - Brezovec2
Dobrič (Vedet) - Brezovec3
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Dobrič (Vedet) - Brezovec17
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