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Mountain ranges / Pohorje, Dravinjske gorice and Haloze / Janški vrh / Doklece - Janški vrh (by road)

Doklece - Janški vrh (by road)

Starting point: Doklece (231 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.34489°N 15.78234°E 
Destination: Janški vrh (417 m)
Path name: by road
Time of walking: 45 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 186 m
Altitude difference (by path): 186 m
Author: edelweiss96
Views: 1,290
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 13
Access to starting point:
A) Highway in the direction of Maribor we leave at exit Slovenska Bistrica - south and we go towards Makole and then towards Majšperk. At the end of the Majšperk at the roundabout we go in the direction Žetale - Jurovci. At the first larger crossroad we go sharply left in the direction of Jurovci, Podlehnik (straight - Žetale). We continue on the main road to the settlement Doklece, where at the crossroad we notice red signposts. After the bus stop on the right side of the road, we park on a smaller settled parking lot.

b) From Ptuj we go south to Draženci, where we go on the highway in the direction of Podlehnik. We leave the highway at exit Lancova vas and we continue in the direction of Jurovci. In Jurovci we turn right in the direction of Majšperk, until we get to the settlement Doklece, where on the left side we notice signposts and after the bus stop on the left side of the road, we park on a smaller settled parking lot.
Path description:
When we park after the bus stop, we go right on an asphalt road over Dravinja. At the crossroad, we continue left and then we all the time stick to the marked asphalt road. The road becomes more and more winding and past the farm turns into the forest, where it becomes very steep. On the road we soon ascend out of the forest to the first houses, past which we continue straight. We soon come to a crossroad, by which on the right there are signposts. The church is here already very well visible and at the crossroad there is also a great view towards Haloze, Donačka gora and Croatia. We continue on the left road all the way to the church, before which there is also a bench for resting. From the church there is a great view towards the north, towards Ptujska goran, Ptuj and Pohorje. On the house left before the church on the wall there is also a box with an inscription book and a stamp of Haloze mountain trail (HPP).
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