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Fram - Hunting lodge - LD Fram

Starting point: Fram (327 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.45615°N 15.62687°E 
Time of walking: 1 h 45 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 341 m
Altitude difference (by path): 375 m
Map: Pohorje 1:50.000
Views: 207
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 40
Access to starting point:
We leave Štajerska highway at exit Fram and follow the signs for Fram. When we reach the main road Slovenska Bistrica - Maribor, at the traffic light crossroad we continue straight and we drive to the center of Fram. We continue through the settlement, and when we get to the parking lot below the parish church of St. Ana, we park on a parking lot in the center of the settlement.
Path description:
From the starting point, we go on the road which on the left side bypasses the church of St. Ana and by which there are signs for Ruška koča na Arehu (right - Mariborska koča). When a little ahead the road turns right, we continue straight on a side road, where we go past the cemetery. On the upper part of the cemetery the path splits, and we can continue on a marked path, which goes at first by the cemetery, and then turns right and joins the cart track, where we join the path which at the cemetery turns right on a cart track and goes in the direction of water source Zlati studenec.
From the juncture of both paths we continue for approximately a minute and we get to the source Zlati studenec, where there is an information board.
We continue on a marked path, which brings us out of the forest and few steps further to an asphalt road which we follow right upwards, and the nearby chapel we bypass on the left side. With nice views we continue past few more houses, and then signs for Areh point us to the right, and a little ahead we go left, again towards Areh. The road a little ahead changes into a cart track which ascends diagonally through the forest, and higher we reach a smaller crossroad of asphalt roads. We continue on a side marked road which at first slightly ascends, and then starts descending. The road soon stops descending, and after the cross we go from the road slightly left on a marked cart track which leads us by nearby farm. After the farm at first a nice view opens up towards Boč, and then the path goes into the forest, and is for few minutes ascending diagonally, we then cross a meadow, and at the hunting observatory we return into the forest. For a short time, we walk through the forest and then we reach a larger grassy area, where the path turns left. After the grassy part we return on the road, where the path leads us past two tourist farms, and after them the marked path towards Areh turns right, and we continue straight and in two minutes of additional walking, we get to Hunting lodge - LD Fram.
Fram - Zlati studenec 0:10, Zlati studenec - Hunting lodge 1:35.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in March 2022.
On the way: Water source Zlati studenec (375m)
Fram - Hunting lodge - LD Fram1
Fram - Hunting lodge - LD Fram2
Fram - Hunting lodge - LD Fram3
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Fram - Hunting lodge - LD Fram37
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Fram - Hunting lodge - LD Fram39
Fram - Hunting lodge - LD Fram40
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