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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Uršlja gora (Plešivec) / Gate below Mali vrh - Uršlja gora (Plešivec) (by road)

Gate below Mali vrh - Uršlja gora (Plešivec) (by road)

Starting point: Gate below Mali vrh (1400 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.4829°N 14.9737°E 
Path name: by road
Time of walking: 50 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 299 m
Altitude difference (by path): 299 m
Map: Koroška 1:50.000
Views: 52,334
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 10
Access to starting point:
A) From Slovenj Gradec or Ravne na Koroškem we drive to Kotlje, and from there we continue driving on a local road which leads past the parish church (if we come from the direction of Slovenj Gradec in the main crossroad in Kotlje we continue straight, and if we come from the direction of Ravne na Koroškem we continue right). After the church, the road slowly starts ascending, and after approximately kilometer of driving brings us to a crossroad at the church of St. Mohor and Fortunat, where we continue left. When a little ahead road brings us to the edge of the forest, where we continue right (straight Ivarčko lake). Further, the ascending road leads past some more crossroads, where we continue in the direction of Naravske Ledine. From Naravske ledine we continue straight, on the road which soon passes on southwestern slopes of Uršlja gora, after that on next two crossroads we continue left in the direction of Uršlja gora. Higher, the road is quite steeply ascending, after that makes a u-turn left. We park on an appropriate place by the gate, where nearby is also a marked crossing of multiple paths.
B) From Črna na Koroškem or Mežica we drive to Žerjav, and from there we continue driving through the valley of the stream Jazbinski potok. Higher, we gradually leave the valley and we are ascending between individual homesteads of dispersed settlement Uršlja Gora. Still before we get to homestead Križan we continue left in the direction of Naravske Ledine, and then at the next crossroad sharp right in the direction of road on Uršlja gora. Higher, the road is quite steeply ascending, after that makes a u-turn left. We park on an appropriate place by the gate, where nearby is also a marked crossing of multiple paths.
C) First, we drive to Šoštanj (to here from Velenje or valley Savinjska dolina), and then we continue driving towards Črna na Koroškem. Further, the road starts ascending towards the mountain pass Spodnje Sleme (1081 meters), which after few kilometers of winding road we also reach. Here the road branches off to the left towards the mountain hut Andrejev dom na Slemenu, and we continue driving towards Črna na Koroškem. From the mountain pass ahead we drive few 100 meters more, and then signs for Uršlja gora point us to the right on an ascending road which only a little higher loses an asphalt covering. We continue on a wider macadam road (road is in the winter time usually cleared of snow and gritted), and we follow it approximately 1500 meters, or to a crossroad, where a worse macadam road branches off to the right towards Križan and Uršlja gora. We continue in the mentioned direction, on the road which after a small saddle starts descending steeply towards the homestead Križan. At the homestead, we continue left, and after some time right in the direction of road on Uršlja gora. Higher, the road is quite steeply ascending, after that makes a u-turn left. We park on an appropriate place by the gate, where nearby is also a marked crossing of multiple paths.
Path description:
From the starting point on a plain below Mali vrh we continue on a macadam road, over which there is a gate. On the road which soon joins the marked path from the mountain hut Poštarski dom pod Plešivcem and lake Ivarčko jezero, we start relatively steeply ascending. Further from the road which at first still runs through the forest few more paths branches off or join, and we all the time continue on the road. Higher the forest ends and a more panoramic path brings us to the church of St. Uršula and few steps ahead to the mountain hut.
From the hut, we continue on a path, which is situated between the church and the mountain hut towards the transmitters. The path bypasses transmitters on the left side and in a gentle ascent it ascends to a cross on the top of the mountain.
On the way: Dom na Uršlji gori (1680m)
Gate below Mali vrh - Uršlja gora (Plešivec)1
Gate below Mali vrh - Uršlja gora (Plešivec)2
Gate below Mali vrh - Uršlja gora (Plešivec)3
Gate below Mali vrh - Uršlja gora (Plešivec)4
Gate below Mali vrh - Uršlja gora (Plešivec)5
Gate below Mali vrh - Uršlja gora (Plešivec)6
Gate below Mali vrh - Uršlja gora (Plešivec)7
Gate below Mali vrh - Uršlja gora (Plešivec)8
Gate below Mali vrh - Uršlja gora (Plešivec)9
Gate below Mali vrh - Uršlja gora (Plešivec)10
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