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Gradišče - Kremžarjev vrh

Starting point: Gradišče (460 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.5151°N 15.0974°E 
Time of walking: 1 h 55 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: partly demanding
Altitude difference: 704 m
Altitude difference (by path): 704 m
Map: Pohorje 1:50.000
Views: 17,431
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 31
Access to starting point:
We drive to Slovenj Gradec (to here from Velenje, Dravograd or Ravne na Koroškem), after that from the roundabout at store Hofer we go to the exit Legen and Kope. Next follows driving through the settlement Legensko naselje, and then we leave the road towards Kope and we continue straight on a side road in the direction of Gradišče. Further, we drive through the valley of the stream Reka and we soon turn left in the direction of homestead Gradiščar. Next follows some diagonal ascent, where we go past few houses, and when the road turns sharply right, we continue straight and we park on a marked parking lot, which is situated by the crossroad and a religious symbol.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we go on an asphalt road which continues towards the east (by the crossroad, where we've parked, we can start also by Stations of the Cross, or on an unmarked footpath which from the road branches off immediately by the crossroad - all the paths after few minutes join), and after approximately a minute of walking, we join the marked path from Slovenj Gradec. A short time we still continue on the road, and then blazes point us slightly to the left, on a footpath which ascends through the forest. Quickly from the left joins an already mentioned unmarked path, and a little higher, at the crossing of a macadam road, also the path by the Stations of the Cross.
Next follows an ascent through a panoramic grassy slope, and after crossing of a bad road we again pass into the forest. We quickly leave the forest and we get to another meadow, by the edge of which we continue to a smaller hamlet, where we step on the road. Here, by the road which we follow few meters, we notice a cross and then we go left on a wide cart track which after few meters we leave. Because signs point us to the right upwards, on the path which through the forest brings us to the next hamlet. Here we again step on the road which we follow to the left. After few minutes of walking on the road, we come to a crossroad, where we continue straight on the bottom road which brings us to the next hamlet. Only few meters before the house, the marked path turns left and continues on a cart track. This path we then follow to the next hamlet, after which we few meters walk on the road. Blazes here again point us on a footpath which a little higher once again crosses the road. The path after that for a short time a little steeper ascends and it brings us to a crossing, where the path from Dravograd joins. Here we continue right and after a short ascent on a partly unvegetated slope we get to the mountain hut Koča pod Kremžarjevim vrhom.
From the mountain hut, we continue left in the direction of Kremžarjev vrh. After few minutes, the path brings us to an interesting chapel, which is half open, and half glassed. Here we continue straight and the path which leads us slightly upwards we follow through a panoramic slope, where a view towards Košenjak opens up. The path then goes into the forest, which doesn't end, not even on the top which we reach in few minutes of additional walking.
The starting point - Koča pod Kremžarjevim vrhom 1:45, Koča pod Kremžarjevim vrhom - Kremžarjev vrh 0:10.
On the way: Koča pod Kremžarjevim vrhom mountain hut (1102m)
Trip can be extended to: Kremžarjev vrh
Gradišče - Kremžarjev vrh1
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