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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Planina Javornik / Grahovše - Planina Javornik (via Rekar)

Grahovše - Planina Javornik (via Rekar)

Starting point: Grahovše (800 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3664°N 14.3518°E 
Path name: via Rekar
Time of walking: 2 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 750 m
Altitude difference (by path): 750 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Views: 619
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 37
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Jesenice we go to the exit Ljubelj (Tržič), and then we continue driving towards Ljubelj. Just before the gas station in Bistrica pri Tržiču we leave the main road and we continue driving right in the direction of Tržič. Further, we drive through Tržič in the direction of gorge Dovžanova soteska, and then at the end of the town, we continue right in the direction of Lom pod Storžičem and Grahovše. When we get to Grahovše we drive on the road to the nearby quarry, by which we park.
Path description:
From the starting point, we continue on the road ahead, and when the road branches off to the right towards the hamlet Slaparska vas, we continue slightly left and we quickly get to a crossroad in the middle of which there are several signposts.
We continue left in the direction of the mountain pasture Javornik, Stegovnik, mountain pasture Planina Konjščica, Bela peč and sledding ground Rot (slightly right - Dom pod Storžičem) and we quickly ascend to the sports field ŠD Lom, from where a nice view opens up towards Storžič. Only a little further, the road passes into the forest and past a religious symbol brings us to a smaller crossroad from which we continue right in the direction of the footpath and tourist farm Rekar. Next follows few minutes of a diagonal ascent through the forest and then we step out of the forest and with nice views on surroundings we reach tourist farm Rekar.
We continue through the yard, where we follow the blazes, and after the chicken coop, the path leads us on and by a smaller torrent ditch. A little further, the path turns left and becomes steeper, and we quickly join a grassy cart track which takes us back into the forest. When we in the forest reach another cart track, we follow it to the right, and from there already after few steps we go straight on a marked path, on which we ascend to the nearby macadam road, where from the left joins the path past the homestead Tič. We follow the road to the right, and at the smaller crossroad, we go straight.
At the part named Nad kotlom, the path towards Dom pod Storžičem branches off to the right, and we continue on the road which few minutes ahead brings us to the next marked crossing, where from the right joins another path from Dom pod Storžičem.
The road then on the left side bypasses Gaberčev rovt, and at the left turn we leave it and we continue straight on a marked path, which gradually starts ascending steeper. A quite steep path higher crosses a grazing fence, behind which it flattens and it brings us to a crossing, where sharply to the right continues the path towards the mountain pasture Javornik (straight and then left - cottage Pr Zdravc and Bela peč, straight and then right mountain pasture Vetrh).
We continue towards the mountain pasture Javornik and through a thinner forest we ascend to the nearby mountain pasture Javornik, from which a nice view opens up towards Storžič.
Grahovše - Rekar 0:50, Rekar - Planina Javornik 1:25.
On the way: Rekar (1030m)
Trip can be extended to: Cottage Pr Zdravc , Bela peč , Stegovnik , Veliki Javornik (Ženiklovec) , Storžič
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