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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina) / Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)

Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)

Starting point: Hotel Šimnovec (1407 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3061°N 14.6088°E 
Time of walking: 1 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 153 m
Altitude difference (by path): 250 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Views: 17,490
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 20
Access to starting point:
We drive to Kamnik and follow the road ahead towards the valley of Kamniška Bistrica. We park on a large parking lot at the bottom station of the cable car on Velika planina. Further, with a cable car we go to the upper station, which is the starting point for our tour.
Path description:
When we step from the cable car, the path after few ten strides it brings us to hotel Šimnovec, in front of which we notice numerous signposts. We continue on a transport road in the direction of Zeleni rob. The road on which we walk is at first gently, and then moderately ascending on and by the ski track. After approximately 30 minutes of walking, the path brings us to the inn Zeleni rob.
From Zeleni rob we continue on a worse macadam road, and we follow it only to the spot, where the marked path which leads towards the mountain hut Domžalski dom and chapel of Marija Snežna branches off to the right. We continue on a pleasant footpath which is diagonally descending towards the southeast. After few minutes of additional walking, we will notice on the left side a wooden chapel, to which we at first slightly descend, after that ascend on a pleasant grassy terrain.
In fog the orientation is very difficult, so we could have problems finding the chapel.
On the way: Gostišče Zeleni Rob (1612m)
Trip can be extended to: Gradišče (Velika planina)
Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)1
Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)2
Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)3
Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)4
Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)5
Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)6
Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)7
Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)8
Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)9
Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)10
Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)11
Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)12
Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)13
Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)14
Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)15
Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)16
Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)17
Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)18
Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)19
Hotel Šimnovec - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)20
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