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Hrastovlje - Sveti Štefan (Zanigrad)

Starting point: Hrastovlje (165 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.5095°N 13.9006°E 
Time of walking: 40 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 81 m
Altitude difference (by path): 145 m
Map: Slovenska Istra - Čičarija, Brkini in Kras 1:50.000
Views: 8,220
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 32
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Koper we go to the exit Črni Kal. From Črni Kal we continue driving on the old road towards the coast, and we are driving there only to the next little bigger crossroad, where we turn left in the direction of border crossing Sočerga. Further, we drive towards the mentioned border crossing, and we follow the road only some km, because then signs for village Hrastovlje point us to the left on a local road. After few km of additional driving, we get to Hrastovlje, where at the crossroad by a smaller chapel we continue left and then we park on the settled parking lot below the church of the Holy Trinity in Hrastovlje, which is world known after frescoes Mrtvaški ples.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we continue on a narrower asphalt road which is ascending towards the nearby church of the Holy Trinity. Right before we come to the church, the road splits into two parts. We continue on the bottom left marked road (on the right road in few steps we get to the already mentioned church, which is known after frescoes Mrtvaški ples), which starts descending through the village. Through the village we carefully follow the blazes, so that in crossroads we don't stray on the wrong path. After a few minute descent the road flattens, and we continue on a macadam road, from which beautiful views are opening up on Kraški rob. The road quickly brings us to a smaller crossroad below the power line, where we continue straight, or slightly left on a marked road. For some time we continue on the bottom of the valley, after that rough road crosses a stream and behind it turns slightly to the right and starts moderately ascending. A little higher worse road splits into two parts, and we go slightly left and we continue on a wider cart track, on which in few minutes of additional walking, we get to the underpass under the railway track.
On the other side of the railway track is unmarked crossing, and we continue sharply right (straight Podpeč and Zjat) and we for some time continue parallel with the railway track. We continue on a marked path, from which a view opens up towards the church of St. Štefan in Zanigrad, Hrastovlje and surrounding hills. The path ahead for a short time steeply ascends, and then passes into a lane of bushes, through which it is ascending on a partly panoramic ridge. After few minutes, we need to pay attention, because blazes point us sharply to the right on a quite overgrown footpath, on which in a minute of additional walking, we get to the church of St. Štefan in Zanigrad.
On the way: Sveta Trojica (177m)
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