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Mountain ranges / Pohorje, Dravinjske gorice and Haloze / Ribniška koča / Koča na Pesku - Ribniška koča (via Lovrenška jezera)

Koča na Pesku - Ribniška koča (via Lovrenška jezera)

Starting point: Koča na Pesku (1386 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.467°N 15.3441°E 
Path name: via Lovrenška jezera
Time of walking: 3 h 35 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 121 m
Altitude difference (by path): 500 m
Map: Pohorje 1:50.000
Views: 21,595
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 83
Access to starting point:
A) From highway Ljubljana - Maribor we go to the exit Slovenske Konjice and we continue driving towards the mentioned settlement. From Slovenske Konjice we continue towards Zreče, and further we follow the road in the direction of Rogla. When we get to Rogla we continue on the main road which for some time continues without large changes in altitude, and then turns to the left and gradually starts descending. The mentioned road, we follow to the mountain hut Koča na Pesku, where we park on a parking lot near the mountain hut.
B) First, we drive to Lovrenc na Pohorju (to here from the road Maribor - Dravograd), and then we continue driving towards Rogla and Koča na Pesku. Further, the macadam road then at first brings us to Mašin žaga and then also to Koča na Pesku. We park on a parking lot at the mountain hut Koča na Pesku.
Path description:
From the mountain hut Koča na Pesku we continue on the road in the direction of Mašin Žaga. The road is at first descending through a small valley between Rogla on the left and Pesek on the right, and then it brings us to Mašin Žaga, where there is a smaller artificial lake.
We continue left in the direction of Lovrenška jezera and Ribniška koča, and the mentioned lake we bypass on the left side. On the other side of the lake signs for Lovrenška jezera and the path Šotna pot point us to the right, where we go over a wooden bridge. Few 10 strides we continue parallel with the stream and then we go left upwards, where blazes point us to. The path ahead gradually starts ascending a little more, and after approximately 25 minutes of ascent we reach a marked crossing, where we join the path from Rogla.
We continue right in the direction of Lovrenška jezera (left - Rogla), where we continue with some crossing and shorter ascents and descents, and then we start ascending on a partly paved path, where we are ascending on a wooden pavement. Higher, the path flattens and we get to a crossing, where we go right towards the lakes Lovrenška jezera (left - Ribniška koča and Rogla on the western path).
Only few 10 strides further we get to a lookout tower, from which a nice view opens up towards the plateau, where there are located the lakes, and from the tower we continue on a wooden pavement, which among dwarf pines take us to the lakes.
From the lakes we return to the last crossing and we continue in the direction of Ribniška koča and Rogla. Next follows few minutes of a descent on a wooden pavement, and then we go at the marked crossing right in the direction of Lovrenc na Pohorju and Ribniška koča (left - Rogla on the western path). Next follows traversing of slopes below the plateau of Lovrenška jezera, where the path crosses few streams, and then the slope becomes panoramic and we get to a crossing at Planinka.
Here we continue straight (right - Lovrenc na Pohorju), and the path leads us with nice views on Pohorje and Kamnik Savinja Alps and Karawanks in the distance, and on the right a nice view opens up also towards Golica / Koralpe. Next follows few minutes of descent on the ample meadow of Planinka, and then the path passes into the forest and descends a little steeper. Lower, we also go past a settled well, and behind it we reach the saddle Šiklarica, which is situated at 1300 meters of altitude.
From the saddle, we gradually start ascending, and at the crossings we follow the blazes. A little higher a short path branches off to the right (2 minutes) to a memorial plaque to the crashed pilots. Further, we are still ascending through the forest, and higher the forest starts to get thinner and we get to the next crossing, which is situated few minutes below Jezerski vrh.
Here we go straight (right - Ribniško jezero 3 minutes) and we ascend to the nearby Jezerski vrh, from which a nice view opens up.
From Jezerski vrh we continue in the direction of Ribniška koča and we start descending on a well-beaten path, from which beautiful views opening up. Lower, we step on a macadam road which we reach on the saddle between Mali Črni vrh and Jezerski vrh, and we continue on the road which continues towards the northwest and it is slowly ascending. We follow this road to few minutes distant Ribniška koča.
The starting point - Lovrenška jezera 1:30, Lovrenška jezera - Jezerski vrh 1:50, Jezerski vrh - Ribniška koča 15 minutes.
On the way: Lovrenška jezera (1520m), Preval Šiklarica (1300m), Jezerski vrh (1537m)
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