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Kostel - Kostel Castle

Starting point: Kostel (339 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.5077°N 14.905°E 
Time of walking: 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 67 m
Altitude difference (by path): 70 m
Map: Pohodniška karta - kočevsko 1:50.000
Views: 1,640
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 25
Access to starting point:
A) We drive to Kočevje, and then we continue driving towards Delnice. Before Colnarji we turn left in the direction of the castle Kostel, and through the village Delač and Stelnik we get to a marked parking lot near the castle Kostel.
B) From Vinica or Črnomelj we drive to Stari trg ob Kolpi, where we go left towards Prelesje. Next follows a descent towards the valley of river Kolpa, and when we reach the road which leads along the river, we continue right. Along the river we drive to the settlement Gorenja Žaga, where we turn right in the direction of camp Žaga and castle Kostel. Only about 20 meters ahead we go left in the direction of the castle Kostel, and when we higher reach the ridge, we continue straight and we drive to the nearby marked parking lot.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we go in the direction of the castle Kostel, where past gallows we get to a smaller crossroad, where we continue slightly right, so that we go past the cross, few houses and apartments, and after the apartments, the road turns right and steeply ascends. At the information board of tourist club Kostel it turns sharply left, and a paved path brings us to few more houses of the settlement Kostel, and in before them we continue left towards the castle. The path ahead on the left side bypasses the church of Holy Three Kings in Kostel, and behind the church follows some ascending on the stairs, and with increasingly beautiful views we get to the castle Kostel. We continue through the entrance of the castle to the spot, where used to be a lookout tower, from where a beautiful view opens up.
To view the castle it is necessary to pay an entrance fee.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in August in the year 2020.
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