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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina) / Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina) (via Škorenca, Kačjek and Gamsove streže)

Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina) (via Škorenca, Kačjek and Gamsove streže)

Starting point: Kraljev hrib (540 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3061°N 14.6088°E 
Path name: via Škorenca, Kačjek and Gamsove streže
Time of walking: 4 h 25 min
Difficulty: partly demanding unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 1020 m
Altitude difference (by path): 1250 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Views: 6,531
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 74
Access to starting point:
First, we drive to Kamnik, and then we continue driving in the direction of Kamniška Bistrica and cableway on Velika planina. In Stahovica we continue left (direction Kamniška Bistrica and cableway Velika planina) and we follow moderately ascending road to a large parking lot near the bottom cableway station on Velika planina (parking lot is located on the right side of the road).
Path description:
From the parking lot, we go on a macadam road in the direction of Kraljev hrib and Velika planina. At first right turn marked path towards the mountain pasture Dol, Velika planina and Konj branches off to the left, and we follow wide road to first bigger left turn. In the middle of the turn, immediately after power line pole, we leave the road which leads towards the inn Kraljev hrib and we continue right on the forest road which past the chapel brings us to the next left turn (to here possible also with a car). Same as at first turn, also now we continue right, only that now we continue on a cart track which from the road branches off at feeding site for animals.
We continue on a gentle cart track which gradually changes into easy to follow hunting footpath. The footpath for some time crosses slopes towards the right, crosses gulley Šimnov plaz, and then in numerous zig-zags starts ascending steeper. Higher, we come on a well visible and partly marked crossing. On one of the trees, which is situated directly by the crossing we notice a sign R and below it arrow left (R - marks hunting path on Rigelj), and we continue right on traverse path which leads towards the hunting cottage Sivnik. We continue on easy to follow, but with leaves covered path, which through gullies and occasionally steeper slopes, brings us to decaying hunting cottage Sivnik. To here we need approximately 1.5 hours of moderate walking.
At the hunting cottage another path which leads on Rigelj branches off to the left, and we continue straight on traverse path, which soon after hunting cottage passes on the other side of indistinct ridge. The path ahead crosses numerous gullies and steep slopes and over slopes of Škorenca and Kačjek brings us to entirely forested Gamsove streže. Long lasting crossing of the slopes here ends, and the path turns slightly towards the left and starts ascending steeply. Higher, the footpath again goes towards the right and then in a diagonal ascent brings us to the spot, where we step on a marked path Stahovica - Velika planina.
When we step on a marked path we continue left (straight mountain pasture Kisovec, right Stahovica) on the path which gradually starts ascending steeper and steeper. Higher, the path flattens and over a grazing fence brings us on the south edge of plateau Velika planina. Only few meters above the grazing fence we cross wider path, and we continue straight on a little poorly visible footpath which soon brings us to first cottages on the mountain pasture. Gentle footpath which leads us over pastures, we follow to the memorial who died in the crash of an allied aircraft in the year 1944. Only few meters before memorial we continue left (right Jarški dom) and then on a moderately steep path in 5 minutes of additional walking, we get to the mountain hut Črnuški dom na Mali planini.
From the mountain hut Črnuški dom we continue on a wide path, which in few minutes of a light ascent, brings us to a crossing, where from the right side joins the path from the mountain hut Jarški dom. Here we continue left and in few 10 strides of additional walking, we get to the mountain hut Domžalski dom na Mali planini.
The path then descends into a smaller valley, where we again step on a wide path (almost road). We continue right and we follow the path to a poorly marked crossing, where the path in the direction of shepherd hut Gradiščkovi branches off to the left. We continue straight on a wide cart track in the direction of "chapel and Zeleni Rob". After few minutes of additional walking right at first downwards path towards the chapel of Marija Snežna branches off, which we can see in front of us for some time. Only a short ascent follows and the path brings us to the mentioned chapel.
On the way: Lovska koča Sivnik (975m), Črnuški dom na Mali planini mountain hut (1526m), Domžalski dom na Mali planini mountain hut (1534m)
Trip can be extended to: Gradišče (Velika planina)
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)1
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)2
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)3
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)4
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)5
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)6
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)7
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)8
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)9
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)10
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)11
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)12
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)13
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)14
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)15
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)16
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)17
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)18
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)19
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)20
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)21
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)22
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)23
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)24
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)25
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)26
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)27
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)28
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)29
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)30
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)31
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)32
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)33
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)34
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)35
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)36
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)37
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)38
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)39
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)40
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)41
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)42
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)43
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)44
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)45
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)46
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)47
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)48
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)49
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)50
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)51
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)52
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)53
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)54
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)55
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)56
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)57
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)58
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)59
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)60
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)61
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)62
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)63
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)64
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)65
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)66
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)67
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)68
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)69
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)70
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)71
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)72
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)73
Kraljev hrib - Chapel of Marija Snežna (Velika planina)74
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