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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Gradišče (Velika planina) / Kraljev hrib - Gradišče (Velika planina)

Kraljev hrib - Gradišče (Velika planina)

Starting point: Kraljev hrib (540 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3061°N 14.6088°E 
Time of walking: 3 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: demanding
Altitude difference: 1126 m
Altitude difference (by path): 1126 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Views: 72,309
Trip rating: 3 votes
Number of pictures: 43
Access to starting point:
First, we drive to Kamnik, and then we continue driving in the direction of Kamniška Bistrica and cableway on Velika planina. In Stahovica we continue left (direction Kamniška Bistrica and cableway Velika planina) and we follow moderately ascending road to a large parking lot near the bottom cableway station on Velika planina (parking lot is located on the right side of the road).
Path description:
From the parking lot, we continue on the road in the direction of the mountain pasture Planina Dol and Velika planina. After approximately 100 meters of walking on the road, just before the first right turn, we will notice on the left side at first a wide footpath which ascends in the forest (turn-off isn't marked). We continue on the mentioned path, which soon crosses a lane of bushes and immediately and then it brings us to a crossing, where we continue on the right path. Further, we are ascending on a footpath which after a short ascent brings us to a forest road which we follow to the left (unmarked).
After a minute or two of walking on the road, we come at the marked crossing, where we continue right on a marked footpath. The path ahead at first gently ascends among site of wild garlic, and then it starts ascending steeper and steeper. A relatively steep path, which all the time run through the forest, higher brings us to a short part, that is exposed to falling stones. Further, the path ascends even steeper, and then turns to the left, where the steepness decreases. Next follows only few minutes of easy walking and the path brings us to a forest road which we follow to the right. The road which immediately passes out of the forest on the western edge of the mountain pasture Planina Dol we follow approximately 5 minutes, to a marked crossing, where we continue right - direction Velika planina towards shepherd huts on the mountain pasture (left mountain pasture Rzenik and Konj), which we reach after few additional strides of easy walking.
From the shepherd huts on the mountain pasture, past a cross we ascend to the edge of the forest and then we continue the ascent on the path which is ascending through the forest. Higher the forest is becoming thinner and the path after approximately 30 minutes of ascent from the mountain pasture Dol brings us on the mountain pasture Konjščica, from which a view opens up towards the nearby Rzenik.
We continue the ascent on a gently sloping, partly grassy path, which is barely ascending towards the south. The increasingly panoramic path, from which nice views opening up on the main Grintovci, soon brings us to a forest road, where we come on a well-marked crossing. We continue right in the direction of the inn Zeleni Rob (left chapel of Marija snežna, Domžalski dom, Črnuški dom...) on the road which already after 50 meters of additional walking brings us to the next crossing. This time we continue on a cart track in the direction of "Rože vrhov", which ascends steeply past numerous shepherd-holiday cottages. The path soon flattens and brings us on a grassy plain, from which we already clearly see the highest peak of Velika planina, which we reach after a minute of additional walking.
In fog the orientation is from the mountain pasture Planina Konjščica to the top very difficult.
On the way: Planina Dol (1308m), Planina Konjščica (1505m)
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