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Mountain ranges / Posavsko hribovje and Dolenjska / Hum above Laško / Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško (on west ridge)

Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško (on west ridge)

Starting point: Laško (at Tabor Castle) (299 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.1573°N 15.2374°E 
Path name: on west ridge
Time of walking: 35 min
Difficulty: partly demanding marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 284 m
Altitude difference (by path): 284 m
Map: Posavsko hribovje zahodni del 1:50000
Author: SB72
Views: 10,450
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 15
Access to starting point:
A) From highway Ljubljana - Maribor we go to the exit Celje - center, and then we continue driving towards Laško and Zidani Most. When we come to Laško, at the traffic light opposite the motel Hum and pizzeria Špica we turn over a bridge left, then on a priority road right, then 2x left and immediately again right on the road Kidričeva cesta, here we already notice signs for castle Tabor, which we follow on the road Cesta na Svetino and when we already drive uphill higher another signpost for castle points to the left and then follows about 300 meters of driving to the parking lot at the castle.
B) From Zasavje or Posavje we drive to Zidani Most or Rimske Toplice, and then we continue driving towards Celje. When we come to Laško, at the traffic light opposite the motel Hum and pizzeria Špica we turn right over the bridge, after that the same at at the description A).
Path description:
From the parking lot, we go to the signpost, which marks a circular path and we go on a footpath among the bushes into the forest. After 5 minutes a footpath branches off to the left towards Blaževa skala, we go right steeply upwards, at first straight, then in zig-zags to a nice information board with information about mountain flowers. We continue forward, after few minutes we get to a viewpoint Prižnica and after additional few minutes to another viewpoint Divji Farovž. From both a nice view opens up towards the north. The path then turns away from the edge, crosses on the southwestern side and soon we find ourselves at the cross just below the summit. Next follows a crossing below the upper wall, the path is secured with a steel cable, even though it is not that hard, from the cross then in 3 minutes we find ourselves on the top, where there is a religious symbol with the caption Hum, inscription box, and a little further also a smaller table and bench.
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško1
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško2
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško3
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško4
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško5
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško6
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško7
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško8
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško9
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško10
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško11
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško12
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško13
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško14
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško15
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