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Mountain ranges / Polhograjsko hribovje and Ljubljana / Marinčeva planina (Hrib) / Ljubljanica - Marinčeva planina (Hrib)

Ljubljanica - Marinčeva planina (Hrib)

Starting point: Ljubljanica (521 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.0346°N 14.2424°E 
Time of walking: 1 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy pathless terrain
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 284 m
Altitude difference (by path): 325 m
Map: Škofjeloško in Cerkljansko hribovje 1:50.000
Views: 5,524
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 34
Access to starting point:
First, we drive to Horjul (to here from Dobrova at Ljubljana or Vrhnika), and then we continue driving towards Vrzdenec, Šentjošt and Gorenja vas. At Vrzdenec the road starts ascending steeper, and then a little further it brings us to hairpin turn, in the middle of which road branches off to the left towards Šentjošt and Smrečje. We continue right on the main road, and it soon brings us on a small saddle, at the end of which road branches off to the right towards the village Samotorica. We continue straight, and the road starts steeply descending and after a short descent it brings us to a hamlet Ljubljanica (bottom part of Butajnova), where we come to the next crossroad. Because in the mentioned hamlet there aren't any appropriate parking spots, we go right and we continue driving towards Polhov Gradec. After a good 100 meters of additional driving, we will notice on the right side suitable place, where we can park.
To the starting point, we can come also from the direction Polhov Gradec and Gorenja vas.
Path description:
From the starting point, we at first walk to a hamlet Ljubljanica, and then at the crossroad we continue in the direction of Gorenja vas. Only few meters ahead, we will notice by the road mountain signposts for Butajnova, Planina and Setnik, which point us sharply right on an ascending asphalt road. Further, we are for some time ascending on the mentioned road, and then blazes point us on a marked footpath.
From the spot, when we leave the road, we at first ascend on a cart track, and then it changes into quite overgrown footpath, on which we quickly return on the road. On the road, we step right at the smaller crossroad, where a road branches off to the left towards Kurja vas, and we continue straight on an ascending road, on which we quickly get to Butajnova.
Only a little after the fire station and chapel in Butajnova, a road branches off to the right, on which in a minute of additional walking, we get to the church of St. Ana in Butajnova.
From the church, we return on the road few 10 meters back, and then we continue on the road towards the northern part of the village. We soon come to a marked crossroad, where we continue left in the direction of Planina. Ahead road bypasses also the last houses, and then it continues in a gentle ascent through an ample pastures. A little higher the road passes into the forest, where for some time it is still slightly to moderately ascending, and after we bypass a quarry it entirely flattens. And we soon step out of the forest on meadows of Planina nad Horjulom.
Here we will on the right side notice a religious symbol (cross), and from here we follow the road only few 10 strides, and then we will on the left side come to a nice passage over a grazing fence (in the time of grazing it is forbidden to pass, and even in the winter time, when the pasture is usually empty, we have to be careful, that we don't make damage on undergrowth). From the spot, when we leave the road, to the top of Marinčeva planina there is about 5 minutes of ascent on pathless terrain or pasture.
On the way: Sveta Ana (Butajnova) (686m)
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