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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Veliki Travnik / Ljubno ob Savinji - Veliki Travnik

Ljubno ob Savinji - Veliki Travnik

Starting point: Ljubno ob Savinji (468 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3477°N 14.8315°E 
Time of walking: 4 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 1169 m
Altitude difference (by path): 1250 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Views: 8,436
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 84
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Maribor we go to the exit Šentrupert, and then we continue driving towards Mozirje, Ljubno ob Savinji and valley Logarska dolina. When we get to Ljubno, we will notice signs for Smrekovec, which point us to the right in the center of the settlement, and there we turn left on a little narrower road which starts ascending above the settlement. Still before end of Ljubno, we will notice signs for a cemetery, which point us to the left on a little steeper road, from which we then once again turn left towards the cemetery. We park on a large settled parking lot by the cemetery and the local church.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we walk through the cemetery to the other side of the wall, where we step on a marked path which starts already a little lower in the center of Ljubno. We follow the path to the right, and it quickly brings us below the power line pole and a nearby chapel. From the chapel we continue in the same direction and we continue the ascent on a gently sloping meadow, through which leads a poorly visible footpath. Higher, we cross a grazing fence and we step on a cart track which we follow left upwards. Ahead we ascend through the forest, we cross a macadam road and we get to a memorial, which is placed in the memory of young boy.
The path ahead is for some time still ascending through the forest, after that widens into a cart track, on which with nice views, we walk to the near farm Sedelšak.
Above the farm, more precisely at the chapel, we leave the road and through a meadow we ascend to the edge of the forest, where we notice a wide, but a steep cart track. We continue on the mentioned cart track, and it quickly flattens and turns a little to the right. After a shorter diagonal ascent we get to a marked crossing, where we continue right in the direction of Koča na Travniku (left church of St. Primož 10 minutes).
The path which becomes a little overgrown, quickly brings us to the farm Kovšak, where for some time we step on the road. We go past the house and we continue through a meadow, where the footpath is at first almost entirely unnoticeable, and then we join a grassy cart track, on which with nice views on Golte and surrounding hills we ascend to an asphalt road at the farm Purkat. We continue here few steps to the left and then signs for Travnik point us to the right, on the path which quickly passes into the forest. Further, we are ascending on a relatively steep cart track which higher flattens and passes into a pleasant forest path. Only a little higher we step on an indistinct ridge, where for some time we step by the edge of a meadow (a view opens up on Komen), and the path then immediately returns into the forest, through which we are for some time ascending. After few minutes, we join an old cart track which soon becomes entirely overgrown. Cart track then brings us on an indistinct peak Zelenjak (1221 meters), from which we then start gradually descending.
The path ahead continues partly on a cart track, and partly on a forest path, mostly in a gentle ascent. Higher, the path brings us on an interesting wide, but precipitous ridge (undemanding), on which we ascend to the near forest road, where from the right side joins the path from the mountain pasture Počka (Robnikova) planina.
We continue straight on a marked cart track (at first still a worse road), which starts ascending steeper through the forest. Cart track higher brings us out of the forest on quite overgrown clearing (such is also the path), and then turns left and it brings us on a panoramic grassy ridge, from which a wonderful view opens up on Ojstrica and part of plateau Dleskovška planota. We continue the ascent by the edge of panoramic grassy slope, all the way until path brings us to a smaller saddle by which we notice a cross and memorial plaque. Next follows a short descent and the path brings us to shepherd cottages on the mountain pasture Mali Travnik.
From the mountain pasture, we continue on a wide marked path, which on the right side bypasses a peak of Mali Travnik. The path soon goes into the forest, where slightly descends, and then continues in a gentle ascent. A little further, the path brings us out of the forest, where from the right side joins the path from a higher starting point (starting point Kolarica).
We continue on a pleasant gently sloping path, which after 5 minutes of additional walking brings us to the mountain hut Koča na Travniku.
From the mountain hut, we continue on a gently sloping path, which is still ascending on a panoramic grassy slope of the mountain pasture Široka trata. A little above the mountain hut we come to a crossing, where from the right side joins the path from the saddle Hlipovec and partisan hospital Mrzle vode. We continue straight in the direction of Travnik (Turnovka) on the path which is still ascending on a panoramic slope. Higher, the path goes into the forest, where it crosses a lane of spruce forest and then it brings us to the next crossing, where from the right joins also the second path from the saddle Hlipovec. We go again straight and after few additional strides, we reach the peak of Veliki Travnik on which there is a wooden lookout tower.
On the way: Zelenjak (1221m), Altarna peč (1200m), Planina Mali Travnik (1500m), Koča na Travniku mountain hut (1548m)
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